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Kwanalu’s Land Desk: John Flanagan provides us with an update of the status of Labour Tenant Claims in the province.

During 2019 the DRDLR was taken to court over the fact that they had not dealt with labour tenant claims. This case was awarded against the Government and the department was mandated to work with the Special Master of Labour Tenant Claims who was appointed by the courts.

  1. Since then, the Special Master has been very active in establishing a unit to deal with the claims and has engaged closely with Kwanalu, assisting with access to farmers in the pursuit of a streamlined process.
  2. As per our mandate, Kwanalu is focused on providing consistent accountability to ensure that the rights of landowners are protected through the process, and that solutions are found which are supportive of a sustainable, profitable future in agriculture for our members.
  3. Labour Tenant Claims had to be submitted prior to the closing date of claims on March 31, 2001, however despite this, many landowners are still not aware of labour tenant claims on their property.
  4. The status of claims in KZN

Settled claims


Outstanding claims 5321
Total Claims Lodged 11446

Of the outstanding claims, almost 3000 have still not had the S17 notices published in the Government Gazette.

  1. Kwanalu is working to secure the details of all of the outstanding claims and is attempting to obtain all the details available for all farm occupiers in the province.
  2. Feedback from the Farm Occupiers Survey has been helpful, but there are still substantial gaps in areas which are known to have many labour tenant claims and occupiers. Please complete the survey in the link below to assist us in gaining an ever-clearer view of the position of our members in relation to labour tenants and farm occupiers. Kwanalu will use this information to group farmers into batches of similar case scenarios so that solutions which match each situation can be pursued.

Complete the Farm Occupiers Survey here:

To contact John, please email him on land@kwanalu.co.za