

The Natal Agricultural Union Trust

The NAU Trust was established in 1998, after a resolution by Congress was passed to donate the Naunlu Building to the trust by the members at the time.

The objects of the trust are namely:

  • to promote the interests of organised Agriculture in all its forms in the widest sense, in KwaZulu-Natal.
  • to do anything and to promote any cause which in the sole discretion of the trustees will promote the aforegoing objective.

The Trust has been operating successfully and has been a major contributor to Kwanalu in its quest to meet with promoting agriculture. More recently the Trust has been used as a vehicle to raise funds for the Gevers fund. Mrs Gevers a farmer and pillar of the community was brutally murdered and the Farmers’ Associations in the area took an initiative to set up a support fund. The NAU Trust offered the perfect recognised structure for this to occur.

The Trust also seeks to create opportunities for contributions, donations or grants by Farmers’ Associations or individuals. Donations made are tax deductible.

If you wish to financially participate in the Trust this contribution would be greatly valued. The banking details are:

Bank: FNB
Branch: Hayfields
Branch code: 22-14-25
Account Number: 62011348770.