Congress Report 2014 – English
“Property rights in South Africa – Are they at risk?”
In light of recent policy proposals, new laws and statements by
Government, significant concerns have been expressed.
Congress discusses whether, in view of these, private property rights are at risk.
1. Registration
2. Welcome
The Chairman, Mr Michael Black, called the meeting to order and confirmed the theme of
the Congress. He welcomed the guests, including the Deputy Minister of Agriculture,
Forestry and Fisheries, General Cele, the KZN MEC for Agriculture & Rural Development,
Mr Cyril Xaba, Honorary Life Presidents, Honorary Presidents, invited guests, students
from Cedara and Weston Agricultural College, representatives from Eskom, various
Government Departments, SAPS, SAPS Stock Theft Unit, the press, delegates, observers
and sponsors.
Apologies had been recorded on the attendance register.
3. Scripture reading and prayer
Mr Christopher Hadebe opened Congress with a scripture reading and a prayer.
4. Motions
The Chairman requested Congress to stand for a moment’s silence in remembrance of
those who had lost loved ones as well as those who had been victims of crime since the
2013 Congress.
5. Constitution of Congress
The CEO, Mrs Sandy La Marque, confirmed that the Notice of Congress had been
circulated and, with the representative delegates present, a quorum had been met.
Congress was therefore properly constituted. Nominations for the seats available to
commodities, agri business and FWI had been received, and the nominated persons would
serve on the Board of Governors; therefore no voting would take place. Voting for Office
Bearers would take place at tea time.
6. President’s Address
The Chairman presented his address to Congress; a copy of which is attached to the file
copy of this report.
He said he drew inspiration from Abraham Lincoln who said:
“You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong
You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich”
He spoke about the challenges of economic pressure and political uncertainty facing
farmers which would include the drought currently being experienced.
He was pleased to report that his cautious optimism about the appointment of Mr Xaba as the MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development had proved correct as the MEC had continued to impress with his quick grasp of the challenges and opportunities facing agriculture in the province. The Department would support agriculture moving forward in KwaZulu-Natal and he found this encouraging. He hoped that the Minister would return in 12 months and report on the positive progress towards his goals.
Mr Black said that land reform appeared to be stalling. The recent announcements by the
Minister of Land Reform had brought into focus the need for greater emphasis on land
reform and the need to change the demographic mix of agriculture in the country. He
predicted that land reform would be around for the foreseeable future and the Minister
needed assistance in putting plans into effect.
Differing Kwanalu membership categories was an issue that had been raised, with the
request that options be investigated. This would be done, taking the Constitution into
consideration, as well as the expected impact on the Union’s financial situation in respect of
any changes, the value system and the manner in which membership currently operates.
He said that a KZN Commodity and Business Forum had been established and believed
that it would provide a multi-disciplinary platform with the ability to interact with Provincial
Government from a background of common interest.
He said that leadership was often seen as a chore rather than an opportunity to make a
difference; he considered it to be the application of a responsibility to the future.
Leadership was the one determining factor of the future over which one had absolute
control, yet it was given so little attention. He appealed to farmers in the age bracket of 25 -50, who believed in the future of the country and of agriculture to stand up and shape their
own future.
He said that the Union continued to work quietly and efficiently out of sight and away from
the public eye on matters which had an unquantifiable benefit to all farmers and
Thanks were due to the staff, the CEO, Manco, the Board and his two Vice-Presidents. He
looked forward to a positive year and hoped that 2015 would mark a turning point in
addressing many of the challenges currently being faced.
Mr Phineas Gumede, Vice-President, thanked the President for his address. He
highlighted some of the issues mentioned and proposed the adoption of the President’s
7. KZN MEC for Agriculture & Rural Development – Cyril Xaba
The Chairman introduced the MEC to the meeting. A copy of his address is attached to the
file copy of this report.
The MEC thanked the Union for the invitation to address Congress. He appreciated the
strides made by the Union in working together to achieve solutions on the many challenges
facing farmers. He experienced farmers supporting the local economy in many ways and it
was in the interest of both government and the Union to work together. He raised a concern
regarding food security and the threats that it held for communities. The MEC said he
believes that farmers can assist government to respond to demands to secure food and has
faith in them. He said that fostering free enterprise was one way of shaping food systems
and government needed the support of agriculture to achieve radical agrarian
transformation. He extended his support to the deliberations which would take place at Congress and took interest in the outcome of Congress. He wished the farmers a fruitful and successful
8. Deputy Minister General Cele
The President introduced the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries,
General Cele to the meeting. A copy of his address is attached to the file copy of this
General Cele said that it was an honour to address Congress and conveyed his
appreciation for the invitation.
He said that on 2 September 2014 he had addressed a workshop on “Food Safety Systems
for Export” which was attended by representatives from the SADEC region with the aim of
assisting the region to increase agricultural exports. He said that South Africa was a
developing nation needing strategic interventions and programs in an endeavour to fulfil the
mandate of the National Development Plan. The Kwanalu Congress was of significant
importance in understanding the strategic direction of government in moving South Africa
forward. The Department had elevated three priority areas as their strategic focus and
these were food security, job creation and contribution to the GDP. The full participation of
Kwanalu was crucial for attaining these objectives.
He said he was very proud of the sector, which, according to Stats SA had grown
significantly, and which growth must be sustained. Sometimes a problem put on the table
was not the actual problem, but held political undertones. The Department would support
the creation of job opportunities for households in agricultural small holder schemes, agroprocessing as well as the upgrading of conditions for farm workers.
The Government acknowledged Kwanalu’s interest in developing emerging students and
prospective young farmers who needed to gain a better understanding of agriculture.
To meet the objective of reducing the incidence of hunger to zero by 2030, (at the present
time, 42% of Gauteng people go to bed hungry for 3 days), much still had to be done. He
indicated that the Department would continue to increase the number of hectares of land
under production through various initiatives.
The year 2014 marks an important chapter in the history of the country, where 20 years of
freedom and democracy are celebrated. One should not lose sight of the mammoth task
ahead in ensuring that the agricultural sector was fully transformed.
In conclusion, he said that Government recognized the critical role played by the
agricultural sector and the importance of dialogue was crucial. In particular, he mentioned
the Land Tenure Summit being held from 6 September 2014, which seeks to address the
challenges facing land tenure reform in South Africa and said that it was crucial for Kwanalu
to participate. With regard to the 50-50 issue raised by the Minister of Land Reform, he
said that the matter had not been discussed and decided by the ANC and the matter was
now being thoroughly debated.
Government was attempting to work hard on issues raised by people regarding exports for
agricultural products. The question of traceability of products was imperative. The AU was a
big market for products but it was necessary to get rid of hindrances.
Another aspect was to address the safety of farmers and he confirmed that Government
was working on this.
He wished Kwanalu well and a very successful Congress.
Mr Phineas Gumede, the Vice-President, thanked both the KZN MEC and the Deputy
Minister for their addresses to Congress. He said that it would be beneficial if all
congresses were attended by political leaders. He felt that emerging farmers should work to become commercial farmers and the ball was in the court of emerging farmers to progress,
however the business side of things would need to be developed.
He thanked the KZN MEC and Deputy Minister for working together with Kwanalu and its
9. Strategic plan 2013/2014
The CEO presented the Strategic Plan for 2013/2014. A copy of the presentation is
attached to the file copy of this report.
She said that the office was run in alignment with Agri SA’s functional areas which brought
about clear policy direction, consistency and unity when dealing with matters:
• Issue Management
– Natural Resources
– Labour and Social investment
– Commercial Policy
– Transformation and Rural Development
– Rural Safety & Security
– Communication and image building
• Organizational
• General
During the past year Kwanalu and its affiliates had participated in the review of agriculture
in KwaZulu-Natal and particularly the realignment thereof.
Areas that had received attention, amongst others, were:
• Leadership
• Strategy and accountability
• Partnerships
• Research, development and extension
• Engineering
• Soil Conservation Committees
• Infrastructure
• Education and training
• Economics – key function to benchmark focus
• Disaster management
• Focus
• Highly regulated environment
The outcome was three broad priority focus areas for the Department and its leadership:
1. To set up a consultative structure with commercial agriculture; to promote
confidence and facilitate growth and stability.
2. Engage in partnerships with the commercial sector; there are many commercial
farmers who are very willing to assist in transformation and skills transfer
3. Capacitate the Research, Extension, veterinary and training components of the
Regarding Land Matters and the Green Paper on Land Reform in particular she said that
consultations had been ongoing for 3 years. Kwanalu had been fully involved in all these
and input had been given. Loose standing documents had been released and there were
currently 14 policy documents which had been released. She said that they were under
discussion and Kwanalu looked forward to taking part in the discussions. She made
mention of these 14 policy documents (draft policies and bills coming agriculture’s way).
She said that all aspects of advice had been sought including legal, academic, research,
economic, best practice – worldwide matters and member input, amongst others.
Agri SA had appointed a technical task team which had been mandated with compiling a
proposal on land reform, once adopted by Agri SA this would be presented to the Minister.
She confirmed that the KZN stakeholder engagements had been very fruitful, especially
with the MEC. These engagements stretched over a vast number of areas e.g. safety and
Security, environment, transport, COGTA, disaster management etc. With respect to
operational issues, she said that Kwanalu had engaged extensively with the National
Department of Land Reform in the interests of its members. In fact, all platforms of
opportunity were utilised to advance the interests of Kwanalu and its members.
Amongst other Kwanalu had been very proactive as far as proposals on:-
• The improvement of living conditions.
• Off and on farm settlement.
• Farmworker equity schemes.
• Social related matters
• Youth development
• AgriBEE Sector Code.
Discussions would need to be debated with government and sector role players and
outcomes should result in a united prosperous sector.
She said that fundamental principles which Kwanalu had continued to work on had been
• Constitutional framework.
• Economic realities.
• Existing mandates.
– Engage
• Policies.
• Upliftment & transformation.
• Do business differently.
• Make our own future.
• Move from reliance on government.
• Recognise consequence of indecision.
• Necessity for courageous and bold leaders.
With respect to Transformation and Development the Emerging Farmer Unit Project was a
project which needed to be developed, ensuring growth and sustainability in co-ordination
and partnership with various role players. Emerging farmers needed to become commercial
Farm settlement options where being considered and Kwanalu had a team of professional
agricultural and land reform specialists, farmers and experienced community development
facilitators assisting in this regard.
One of the more recent projects was the Kwanalu Future Farmer Project which intended to
develop a database of aspiring young future farmers, particularly disadvantaged black
youth who needed to be placed into apprenticeships with mentoring.
She made mention of the Templeton Foundation Project which was very successful. The
Community of Practice Project methodology had been used to implement the project.
The Kwanalu Safety and Security Desk continued to be represented on provincial
structures and on the National Safety Committee. Its objective was, amongst others, to:
• Gather details and statistics of crimes.
• Provide expert evidence in court cases.
• Supply the Kwanalu Guideline documents.
• Continuation of service and follow up.
• Assist members with basic advice on criminal matters, legal procedures and steps to be
She provided slides on statistics of various attacks and murders in the province.
Regarding communication and image building she said that there was a heightened media
interest in Kwanalu. She mentioned that the Kwanalu website was popular, well visited and
was updated daily. Opportunities were being explored on how to broaden the issues of
farmers in the consumer and public eye.
On organisational matters she assured the congress that:
• Kwanalu operated within its constitution.
• Kwanalu represented its members on all issues affecting them in the sector.
• With reference to membership, this was followed according to policy documents and
• The Finances and resources were well managed.
10. Financial Statements year ending 30 June 2014
The CEO reported that the financial year ended in June 2014 and the audit had been
completed. Copies of the financials had been posted to delegates. She presented the
audited financial statements to Congress.
11. Annual membership subscription & Budget proposal
The CEO presented the proposed Income and Expenditure for year ending 2015. She
informed Congress that according to the Kwanalu Constitution the Board of Governors had
scrutinised the budget and relevant factors and proposed the subscriptions for the
2015/2016 year, as follows:
• Commercial farmers (including Vat)
– R2 122.00 if received by 30 September 2015 or R2 245.00 if received thereafter
• Part time / smallholder farmers (including Vat)
– R1 062.00 if received by 30 September 2015 or R1 122.50 if received thereafter
• Previously disadvantaged farmers (including Vat)
– R300.00
The budget proposed and approved by the Kwanalu Board of Governors for 2015/2016 was
presented to Congress.
The Chairman opened the floor to any questions of which there were none.
11. Acceptance
Mr Ken Robinson proposed the acceptance of the financials, the budget and the
subscriptions. He thanked farmers for paying their subscriptions and asked delegates to
encourage non-members to become members of Kwanalu.
The financials, budget and subscriptions were seconded and unanimously ACCEPTED.
12. Presentation of Awards
The CEO advised Congress that the Constitution allowed for the acknowledgement of
persons who had rendered exceptional service to the organisation and/or agriculture and
the Board had recommended that:-
1) Mr Brian Victor Aitken is awarded the position of Honorary Life Member in
acknowledgement and recognition of meritorious, dedicated, committed and faithful
service to organised agriculture. The President gave some history of Mr Aitken in his
youth and later when he took on the role of President of Kwanalu.
Mr Aitken thanked the Board and staff for the honour. He noted that the challenges
were huge with the road ahead being tough but with the current leadership, he believed
there was a great future for farmers.
2) Mrs Sandy La Marque is awarded a Certificate of Pillar of Excellence.
Mr Robin Barnsley said that it was a privilege to present the award to the CEO, Mrs La
Marque, for her commitment and principles and getting to know the members
personally. He handed over the Certificate to her.
The Chairman congratulated the participants on their awards and thanked them for all their
efforts and input to agriculture.
13. Thanks : East Griqualand area
The Chairman conveyed the thanks of the farmers from East Griqualand to members of
Kwanalu for their contributions and caring during the fires experienced in their area.
14. Acknowledgment of Sponsors
The Chairman thanked the sponsors for their generous contributions and continued support
of Congress. A list of sponsors is attached to the file copy of this report.
14. Tea
Congress adjourned for tea.
15. Office Bearers
During the tea break, the Board of Governors met to elect the President and two VicePresidents.
These were: President : Mr Michael Black
Vice-President : Mr Phenias Gumede
Vice-President : Mr Andrew Buchan
16. Address by Mr Dan Kriek, General Affairs Chamber Chairman Agri SA, Chairman Agri
SA Natural Resources Committee, President Free State Agriculture and Farmer
The Chairman introduced Mr Kriek to the meeting. A copy of his presentation is attached to
the file copy of this report.
Mr Kriek introduced himself first and foremost as a farmer and introduced his theme as
“Leadership and Trust”. He said he had spoken to some farmers who were in a state of
panic. He felt that land reform succeeded by sticking to sound business principles – the two
missing ingredients were leadership and trust. There was a lot happening in the land
reform debate and said there was a difference between ideology and truth. He said the
words of President Mandela resonated throughout the constitution of South Africa. It was a
person’s choice to defend the Constitution of South Africa or have ideology. Farmers got
hot under the collar but property rights were enshrined in the Constitution. There was a
more serious tone to this – reversed discrimination. The future belonged to people who built
and not to those who broke down. The problem in South Africa was not that everyone had
a job but that not everyone owned a piece of land.
He referred to Gill Marcus, Governor of the Reserve Bank, who said that we had to grow
the economy for decades. The rate at which an economy grew consistently was critical.
He referred to Minister Gugile Nkwinti’s underlying land reform principles:-
• De-racialise the rural economy
• Democratic and equitable land allocation
• Sustained production discipline for food security
• Long term goals – Development referred to shared growth and principles
He said that people were feverishly looking for “The Plan”. There was not one size fits all
plan. He said that the NDP plan had not been considered completely and there were no
plans to suit all political ideologies. Plans were complex. Buy in was needed for it to be a legitimate plan. There were too many role players and an enabling environment was needed. There were plans in abundance. He asked why plans worked and said that
commodities knew their critical factors so their plans worked.
He said that Agri SA had a technical working group to compile a plan. When policies were
envisaged, the following needed to be asked:-
• Would it strengthen the productive capacity and investment climate in commercial
• Would it ensure that more people would be employed and thus have access to
income to buy food?
• Would the proposal help to make food more affordable?
Land reform is by slogan whereas it should be with sound business principles. To take a
political decision belongs to a bygone era. There was massive uncertainty with land ceilings
in the pipeline, mention of the 50/50 model, grossly insufficient budgets and re-opening of
land claims until 2019. He said the only plan or answer for this was to say no or failing that,
taking a legal route via the Constitutional Court. The answers for land reform were going to
come from the private sector. Ministers were not farmers and they were not working with
figures, etc. on a daily basis.
He said that the missing link was trust. Leadership by all, a relationship with Government,
to be trusted by Government, a plan, budget and implementation the proper way was
needed. Because of a lack of unity in agriculture trust is something that is hard to come by,
and agriculture has not convinced society that it is a caring sector.
He encouraged farmers to stay positive and to engage. There were so many balances to
prevent agriculture from going the wrong way. Farmers had a role to play and should not
sidestep this responsibility.
The Chairman thanked him for his address.
17. Address by Judge Gildenhuys
“The impact of the re-opening of the restitution claims process on property rights in the
agricultural sector, the issue of just and equitable compensation and expropriation vs
The Chairman introduced Judge Gildenhuys to the meeting. A copy of his presentation is
attached to the file copy of this record.
Judge Gildenhuys thanked Congress for allowing him to share a few points with farmers,
specifically legal challenges on property rights.
Firstly, Expropriation vs deprivation he said looking at the Constitution section 25 no one
may be deprived of property except in terms of law of general application, and no law may
permit arbitrary deprivation of property. Under Section 25 there was a lot of constitutional
Deprivation could be very serious. Countries currently had different approaches he cited a
case example to illustrate; in America derivation was seen as serious, so much so that if
the rights of the property were nullified, compensation was required.
Looking at some of the new Acts, e.g. the National Water Act, this gave powers that the
Government could administer the water and in administering the water, it could give it to
whoever it thought it was fair to receive. In this Act, the Government has the power to
regulate water; it was considered this could be a form of deprivation.
He also cited the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002. Minerals and
petroleum resources belong to all the people of South Africa and the State has the right and
duty to regulate it. In a recent Constitutional Court judgement, it was said that Government
had expropriated minerals but the Act gave a lot of transitionary provisions. At this stage
however South Africa still needs to develop the laws of deprivation and expropriation and
compensation thereof.
He said there might be attempts to introduce further legislation to reduce ownership rights.
There had been a lot of policy documents from the Department of Rural Development and
Land Reform. Their policy was guided by the principle that agricultural land was a common
heritage for all SA citizens. There was doubt that Government would pass this legislation as
just and equitable compensation was necessary. According to the Constitution, property
could only be expropriated by payment taking into account principles for e.g.:
• The current use of the property
• The history of the acquisition and use of the property
• The market value of the property
• The extent of direct state investment and subsidy in the acquisition and beneficial
capital improvement of the property; ;and
• The purpose of the expropriation
To determine compensation, the market value of the property needed to be established first
and then establish whether any of the other principles justified an increase or decrease.
With respect to restitution claims he said the act stipulates a person shall be entitled to
restitution of a right in land if they were disposed of a right in land after 19 June 1913 as a
result of past racially discriminatory laws or practices. A right in land means any right in
land whether registered or unregistered and may include the interests of a labour tenant
and sharecropper, a customary law interest, the interest of a beneficiary under a trust
arrangement and beneficial occupation for a continuous period or not less than 10 years
prior to the dispossession in question. Restitution of a right in land means the restoration of
a right in land or equitable redress.
He said that a sensible option could be, if the community wanted to farm, rather than to give
them small parts of a farm, would be monetary compensation to enable them to buy a farm
and hopefully the farm could be productively farmed. If someone had been dispossessed
but properly compensated, then there could be no restitution claim.
He said one must not forget how those who had been dispossessed of land felt about it.
There was bitterness and a way needed to be found to reconcile the emotions.
To go forward, a bigger budget needed to be canvassed and the capacity of the Land
Claims Commissioner needed to improve. The majority of land reform had been
unsuccessful it appeared even communal ownership did not work.
The Chairman thanked Judge Gildenhuys for his address.
18. Address by Advocate Grace Goedhart
“The promotion and protection of Investment Bill, 2013 regarding expropriation and the
possible wider implications of the Constitutional Court ruling in the Agri SA mineral rights
case for the protection of property rights in general.”
The Chairman introduced Advocate Goedhart to the meeting. A copy of her presentation is
attached to the file copy of this report.
In opening, Advocate Goedhart said that she would deal with the purpose of the bill, the
relevance of the Bill, the issue of strategy and general observation to strategy.
The purpose of Bill was to update and modernise SA legal framework for foreign
investment, bilateral investment treaties to be phased out, uniformity and certainty in
international relations, to promote and protect investment in a manner consistent with public
interest and a balance between rights and obligations of investors, ensure equal treatment
between foreigners and SA citizens and it was not directed at expropriation or deprivation
of any kind.
She explained the constitutionality of the Bill. She said the bill was not clearly defined and
had a very broad meaning. There was no indication how the very wide measures were to
be exercised. The Bill was impermissibly vague and therefore meaningless and
unworkable. The alternative was presumption against deprivation of existing rights and
against harsh and unjust or unreasonable results.
Once the Bill was promulgated, she said that the strategy could be to attack the validity of
various clauses as being unconstitutional. The price of freedom was eternal vigilance. We
all wanted to invest in the future.
The President thanked Advocate Goedhart for her address.
19. Panel Discussion and input by delegates
The President opened up the floor for questions and debate.
Mr Edsel Hohls, Milk Producers’ Association asked which of the Acts on the table was the
most worrying.
Reply: Farmers were encouraged to obtain good legal advice and deal with the issues and
stay positive. Adv. Goedhart said that each case could have its own merits and one would
need to look at each case individually.
The President, Mr Mike Black, asked when a restitution claim had been deregistered, could
it be re-opened.
Reply: This had not yet been tested in any court case. The test would firstly be if a claim
was rejected by the Commission, it could still be heard by direct access procedures by the
court. If a claim was dismissed by the Commission and the claimant tried again, new facts
and figures would need to be shown before it could proceed, but the Commission was not a
court of law. If a court had ruled on it, that would be final and no redress could take place.
Mr Nick Isabelle, Melmoth Farmers’ Association asked for the panel’s thoughts on the
Salem case.
Reply: He was advised that Agri SA was support the landowners who were appealing the
matter as the consequence of this particular case could have far reaching implications.
Mr Scot Scott, Izotsha Farmers’ Association mentioned that everything had been going well
in Zimbabwe until their President started changing Judges. He asked if the panel was not
worried that the Acts or Bills would go through.
Reply: Adv. Goedhart did not think that the courts were failing and each case was managed
individually. She had not lost faith in the profession.
Mr Glen Rafferty, Normandien Farmers’ Association asked if there was any penalty for
lodging false claims and if the owner would be compensated for invalid claims.
Reply: Judge Gildenhuys said that there was no provision for legal fees compensation
unless the court made the provision, which was a concern. The court would review a
blatantly invalid claim and make a decision to admit it or not; however needed to be
blatantly wrong before the court will admit it. Mr Kriek indicated that Agri SA was
investigating an opportunity to get landowners legal costs attended to as landowner’s costs
were excessive when attending to amongst other the validity of claims.
Mr Jan Smith, Ingogo Farmers’ Association asked if Government could be trusted and
whether there is recourse against costs from the Commission; why farmers are guilty until
proven innocent; why there could not be process reversal for invalid claims for farmers who
had lost their farms; why there was not support for commercial farmers by the Department
of Agriculture, and who wanted money instead of land to farm; how could this be
Reply: Dan Kriek said that what was needed was trust between Government and the
private sector. The private sector was in a relationship with Government and business
plans could work well. That trust needed to be built on. A process has to take place where
eventually a decision is obtained. Agriculture/farmers need to speak with one voice, in unit.
Society’s perception is that agriculture/farmers do not care and those bad reports need to
be managed correctly. It was a political imperative that there be small and medium scale
farmers and there needed to be support measures for small scale farmers.
On the subject of whether the majority of claimants wanted money or land, he said that the
vast majority had received monetary compensation but some wanted it for retirement and
that was not good for food security. Courts should be convinced that there was a serious
attempt to farm otherwise a monetary compensation should be made.
The Chairman thanked Mr Kriek, Judge Gildenhuys and Advocate Goedhart for their time
and input and presented them with a token of appreciation.
20. Closure
Mr Black thanked delegates and observers for attending, the officials of the various
Departments, the Kwanalu staff for their work, the media and press for their support and the
sponsors. He wished everyone a safe trip home.
Mr Sisa Damoyi closed the meeting with a prayer.
The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 13:45.
21. Lunch was served at the conclusion of congress.
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Tel: 033-342 9393
Fax: 033-345 7141
4 September 2014
The election of the Management Committee took place at the Board Meeting after Congress.
Together with the President and Vice-Presidents, the following were elected onto Manco:-
Mr Christopher Hadebe Mr Scot Scott
Mr Sisa Damoyi Mr Ken Robinson