

The voice of agriculture . Die stem van landbou . Izwe lezokulima

Congress Report 2010 – English


Recognising the rights and obligations bestowed on us
By our country’s constitutional and legal framework,
Within which we operate as professional business people,
Congress seeks a positive way forward for us as a sector.

1. Registration

2. Welcome
The Chairman, Mr Robin Barnsley, called the meeting to order and welcomed all farmers, guests including officials from the Department and Agri SA and asked Department officials to convey Kwanalu’s regret to their HoD and MEC for not responding to Kwanalu’s invitation to attend Congress.

Apologies had been recorded on the attendance register.

3. Scripture reading and prayer
Mr Dougal MacLean opened Congress with a scripture reading and a prayer. He said that as a farmer, it seemed that upward battles were always being faced but there was a source of hope. Discover God’s will and become freer. God has given the power of love and not of fear.

The Chairman thanked Mr MacLean for his words.

4. Motions
The Chairman requested Congress to stand for a moment’s silence in remembrance of those who had lost loved ones as well as those who had been victims of crime since the 2009 Congress.

5. Constitution of Congress
The CEO, Mrs Sandy La Marque, confirmed that notice of Congress had been circulated and with the representative delegates present, a quorum had been met and Congress was properly constituted. As nominations for the seats available for commodities, agri business and FWI had been received, these nominations would serve on the Board of Governors and no voting would take place.

6. Announcements
The CEO reiterated the theme of the Congress as above and encouraged participation by all in the debates and to report back to their constituencies.

7. Presidential Address
The Vice-President, Mr Phenias Gumede, took the Chair while the Chairman presented his Presidential Address to Congress. A copy of his address is attached to this report.

The Chairman said that the agricultural sector played an important role in feeding the nation and region, providing employment and making a positive contribution to the well-being of the community.

The past year had been a challenging one in view of the global meltdown.

Kwanalu’s activities during the past year were:-

· Transformation and Rural Development
· Rural Safety and Security
· Natural Resources
· Labour and Social Investment
· Communication and Image Building
· Commercial Policy

He focussed on the issues of crime, safety and security and the issue of land reform. The slow pace of land reform was leading to heightened emotions in the rural areas, which had two consequences, namely an escalation in violence and ill-formed reaction by policy makers to accelerate what was perceived to be a failing programme of policy implementation.

He thanked the senior members of the SAPS who were generally sincere and accommodating in combating the scourge of crime. It was agreed at the information meetings that farmers actively participate in structures set up at local level to enhance communication and relationships. Failure of such structures was a hindrance to the effective conduct of business and a threat to the safety of life, limb and property.

The Chairman said that the current position of land reform was untenable and unsustainable. He made mention of the green paper which still had not been seen.

Calls for increased state intervention in the land reform process had been witnessed where the following had been mentioned:-

· A review of the ‘willing buyer, willing seller” principle
· The placing of a cap on the number of hectares that may be owned by an individual
· Affording the state a right of first refusal for all properties that came onto the market
· A review of the entire tenure system aimed at restricting/limiting property rights
· New tenure legislation.

He said that Kwanalu was concerned that the underlying reasons for slow and ineffective land reform were allegations that the commercial farming sector was actively and deliberately hindering the implementation of the land reform policy whereas clear indications among land reform officials of corruption and malpractice, blatant dereliction of duty and lying to cover up shortcomings had occurred.

He said Kwanalu had never denied the importance of the land reform programme and had never been opposed to the land reform programme, but due to political neglect, two critical forums had fallen by the wayside. Both forums had been established to facilitate the meeting of a wide range of interest groups involved in the land reform arena. The consequence of this neglect was a ‘pressure cooker” of emotion in rural areas.

Agriculture cannot sit idly by while the state initiates ill-considered and potentially damaging policy provisions.

Kwanalu’s position was very clear:-

· Land reform was to be supported within the confines of the Constitution and rule of law of the RSA
· Kwanalu would not be drawn into discussions and negotiations which ran counter to the effective operation of the free market
· Support for the necessity for land reform led Kwanalu to extend to the state an offer of support in seeing the effective implementation of existing land reform policies aimed at sustainable rural development and an improved life for all.

At national level, Kwanalu participated and made important contributions with the Ministry of Rural Development and Land Reform, the Chief Land Claims Commissioner and senior counsel.

He said that for the vast majority, farmers were business people operating in an extremely challenging political, economic and legislative environment, requiring a forward thinking, pragmatic approach to issues confronted.

In conclusion, Mr Barnsley said that he saw farmers as a community positively and actively participating in matters that affected farmers and shaping a better future by adopting a positive, principled and challenging approach toward the issues dealt with.

He thanked the farmers for giving him their support over the past year.

Mr Gumede thanked Mr Barnsley for what he had done for Kwanalu over the past year. He also thanked his family and partners for allowing him to lead Kwanalu and requested that they allow him to lead Kwanalu again for another year.

He thanked the Kwanalu staff, the Board and Manco and proposed the adoption of the President’s address.

8. Strategic plan 2009/2010
The CEO said that The Strategic Plan for SA Agriculture remained Kwanalu’s guide in dealing with issues. The organisational structure gave Kwanalu relevance and credibility. She said that membership had continued to grow but income streams remained a challenge. Kwanalu had a good communication structure. i.e. email, website and sms.

According to surveys, the majority of members felt that Kwanalu was addressing the correct issues.

As far as land issues were concerned, Kwanalu had dealt with various Acts. Mrs La Marque confirmed that a meeting of the Provincial Land Rights Monitoring Forum would shortly be held. With reference to restitution, challenges still existed in so far as department financing, degazetting, budget constraints, etc. Kwanalu continued to meet with the Department to seek a way forward.

She made mention of the Green Paper on Rural Development and Land Reform, which proposed to achieve equitable access to land and sustainable land use by overhauling the current land tenure system. Concerns had been expressed over this document.

The Land Tenure Bill had been put on the table, but had not been seen. As an organisation, Kwanalu had discussed this matter with Agric SA as to how this should be addressed. The position adopted by Kwanalu was:-

· Free market principles
· SA Constitution
· Legal framework / opinion
· Database for land
· Formulate Rural Development Policy
· Land tenure bill
· Look at economic, investment, GDP impact
· International best practice models
· Communication and stakeholder relations

Government had mooted a Land Audit of agricultural property over a number of years which to date had not taken place.

The CEO said that the Kwanalu Board of Governors had in the absence of a land audit mandated the organisation to continue with a Kwanalu led land audit, whose intellectual property would remain Kwanalu’s. A questionnaire and practical implementation plan had been developed and was being piloted in a few areas. The CEO reiterated that the success of the land audit would rely solely on the role the Farmers’ Associations would play in actually conducting their area specific land audits.

Mrs La Marque made mention of the Development Desk, which had clear terms of reference and was being managed successfully.

She made mention of a survey carried out by the office, which indicated that the majority of farmers would be willing to be involved in land reform She also mentioned last year’s resolution on Rural Safety and Security which had been adopted and which had been tirelessly attended to by Kwanalu. This read as follows:-

“Criminal activity on farms is causing substantial financial loss to the sector while also undermining the confidence, pride and dignity of farmers and the broader rural community.

Congress believes that the relevant authorities, political and community leaders should play an overt and active role in opposing the alarming increase in such activity which amounts to a creeping invasion and subversion of the rights of law abiding citizens.”

This had resulted in an acknowledgement of the problem and a renewed effort by stakeholders to address the resolution.

She confirmed that the Kwanalu Safety and Security Desk was effective but stressed that communication was imperative.

With regard to natural resources, she said that this might seem minor in comparison to the previous issues, but the problems impacted on farmers. Kwanalu had been involved in matters surrounding:-

· Water issues — registration of dams
· Roads — survey on roads had been submitted to Agri SA
· Tele communication
· Environment — Development Bill would be discussed shortly
· Electricity Supply
· Climate Change
· Disasters — A drought questionnaire had been sent to Farmers’ Associations — Drought relief needed to be looked at.

The Farm Worker Summit had been attended where agriculture’s position was:-

“The Agricultural Sector can only contribute to rural development and the plight of farm workers to the extent in which it is sustainably profitable and competitive in itself and is supported by Government Institutions.”

She said that agriculture was the most prominent employment sector in the predominately rural wards and municipalities.

She encouraged farmers to participate in local structures that provided service delivery.

Mrs La Marque said that Kwanalu had met with the Department of Labour, who had been proactive in dealing with problems.

She referred to Municipal Property Rates and confirmed that Kwanalu would continue to lobby in this area. Comment had been given at the Public Hearing but no feedback had yet been received. With regard to the legal case, she confirmed that it was in its last stage and members would be kept updated as to progress.

With regards communication, she said that Kwanalu had enjoyed heightened media attention and felt this was a means of influencing public perceptions. Members were utilizing information from the Kwanalu website and positive articles had appeared in the media.

Mrs La Marque mentioned various other meetings and events organised by Kwanalu.

In closing, she said she believed that Kwanalu was on the right track. There was a lot of work ahead but with the organised structure as it was, Kwanalu could make an impact.

The Chairman thanked the CEO for her report.

9. Financial Statements year ending 30 June 2010
The CEO said that the audit had been completed and copies of the financials had been posted to delegates. She presented the audited financial statements to Congress.

10. Annual membership subscription & Budget proposal
The CEO informed Congress that according to the Kwanalu Constitution, the Board of Governors had determined subscriptions for the 2011/2012 year. These would be:

· Commercial farmers (including Vat) — R1 528.70 if received by 30 September 2011 or R1 617.65 if received thereafter
· Part time / smallholder farmers (including Vat) — R765.10 if received by 30 September 2011 or R808.80 if received thereafter
· Previously disadvantaged farmers (including Vat) — R207.00

The budget approved by the Kwanalu Board of Governors for 2011/2012 was presented to Congress.

11. Acceptance
The Vice-President, Mr Rod Freese thanked the CEO and her staff for all they did. He proposed the acceptance of the financials, the budget and the subscriptions. These were seconded and unanimously ACCEPTED.

12. Address by Mr Louw Steytler, Exec Committee, Agri SA
The Chairman introduced Mr Louw Steytler to the meeting.

Mr Steytler conveyed the greetings of the President of Agri SA, Mr Johannes Moller. He supported Mr Gumede’s request that Mr Barnsley remain as President of Kwanalu for a further term.

He said that in today’s world it was important that arguments be founded on economic fact and truth. He said that in the Free State where government had failed its citizens, by hard work, the organisation had managed to get the government to patrol the borders.

Problems took a long time to resolve but if you remained persistent, they could be resolved.

He said that if anyone wanted to meddle with the legal rights of citizens, they should be challenged in the Constitutional Court. By providing food, farmers were investing in the future.

He encouraged farmers not to be apathetic and said their contributions must be heard.

The Chairman thanked Mr Louw for his address.

13. Acknowledgment of Sponsors
The Chairman thanked all the sponsors for their generous donations towards the costs of Congress.

14. Memorial Fountain and Garden
The Chairman said that crime and security had already been addressed. There had been bad experiences with murders of farmers, employees and labourers. He mentioned that a Memorial Fountain and Garden had been established by The RAS and Kwanalu in 2002 and in memory of those who had lost loved ones as well as those who had been victims of crime in the agricultural community, a rededication and wreath laying ceremony would take place.

Congress proceeded to the Memorial Fountain and Garden where a few addresses were made before wreaths by Kwanalu, the Royal Agricultural Society and various Farmers’ Associations were laid.

15. Tea
Congress broke for tea.

16. Scene Set : Kwanalu Policy Positions by Kwanalu President, Mr Robin Barnsley
The Chairman said that:-

· Kwanalu was an independent, non governmental, voluntary organisation of farmers and rural citizens united to analyse their issues and formulate action to solve these issues.
· Kwanalu strove for the general welfare of all aspects of farm and rural life through economic opportunity, social advancement and educational improvement
· Kwanalu took the stand that property rights and personal freedom were guaranteed by the South African Constitution and were essential to general welfare and these freedoms should be defended
· Kwanalu believed that economic progress was best achieved in a free market system
Against core strategies Kwanalu was able to measure its activities.

The six key areas, as mentioned in the President’s address, were aligned to those of Agri SA and the other provinces. Kwanalu had taken a strong policy position and had not compromised or deviated from the protection of the SA Constitution and the rights embodied therein.

With regards Transformation and Rural Development, the greatest debilitating factor for the agricultural sector in KZN had been the failure of government to implement the three existing programmes of land reform, namely restitution, redistribution and tenure reform.

Kwanalu had always supported land reform and would continue to do so within the confines of the Constitution and rule of law of the RSA. He said that Kwanalu would not be drawn into discussions and negotiations which ran counter to the effective operation of the free market. Rights infringements were not acceptable.

He referred to the resolution accepted at the 2009 Congress on Rural Safety and Security and said that Kwanalu had attended to this.

With regards natural resources and infrastructure, Mr Barnsley said that Kwanalu members had found it difficult to operate and ensure food production with a declining right of use of natural resources and failing rural infrastructure.

The loss of production of agricultural land to housing, mining and business development was another aspect that placed pressure on the sector.

Kwanalu supported:-

· The sustainable use of natural resources
· The protection and sound balance of natural resources
· Limiting the carbon and water footprint and counteracting climate change
· Research, development and retention of expertise for sustainable management
· Participation in local structure which provided service delivery

Kwanalu continued to promote compliance with labour and related legislation and had endeavoured to play a positive role in addressing issues that had arisen.

A strategic role had been played by Kwanalu in raising and positioning the organisation in and amongst key audiences.

Active commodity organisations, dealing with specific commodity related issues, were affiliated to Kwanalu.

In conclusion, he said that:-

· Kwanalu strove for the general welfare of all aspects of farm and rural life through economic opportunity, social advancement and educational improvement
· Kwanalu took the stand that property rights and personal freedom were guaranteed by the SA Constitution and were essential to the general welfare and these freedoms should be defended
· Economic progress was best achieved in a free market system.

17. Address by Prof Mohammad Karaan, Dean of Faculty of Agri Sciences at University of Stellenbosch, National Planning Commission
“Agricultural Sector in Perspective”

The Chairman introduced Prof Mohammad Karaan to the meeting.

Prof Karaan said that he was pleased that students had been invited to Congress.

With regard to the perspectives on future agriculture, he said that where the future was, was uncertain. He said maybe we could look at it by putting it in the context of what to tell our children if we wanted them to farm. He said the nature of industrial life was that we took out more than we replenished. There were more natural and unstable disasters and the future was what we did for the bottom billion. Looking to the future, he was not sure if we could produce enough food for people, but if we could, the quality might be in question. Because of not understanding the consequences of genetically produced foods, our children and their children would suffer because of what they ate.

There would also be the problem of a waterless world where existing water would be reallocated, but water would be less available.

Technology allowed large quantities of food to be produced but too cheaply. The feast and famine syndrome would apply. The majority of buyers of food were the middle class which accounted for 20% of the population and as this increased to 40%, their spending power would decrease but food prices would increase. This would necessitate that more went hungry.

Capitalism had been destroyed by human greed. The financial markets had failed and there was the possibility of further collapse in the future.

Because of economics, farmers had to grow and thus become fewer and fewer. 70% of agriculture was subsistence farmers, who just covered their costs. Producers used too much capital for too low a return. Money flowed out rather than in and children would inherit an ill future.

He said there would be low human development if an agriculture could not sustain it. There was irrational exuberance where people lived to eat and not ate to live and poor people spent money on unnecessary things. Children were being spoilt and would be disconnected from nature and loose their spirituality. He said that societies collapsed when human beings disconnected from nature.

Prof Karaan said that our true role was not to produce food but to conserve the earth.

The National Planning Commission’s objectives were:-

· Nation building — how to build a new society
· How to make an economy
· How to improve human conditions
· How to improve material conditions
· Form institutions

He said that national building was not easy and people did not trust one another and were driven by individual interests versus common interests. We must focus on what united rather than what divided.

No society could prosper without voluntarism. A united South African agriculture was needed. A serious growth strategy needed to be put to government.

As agriculture employed large numbers, the employment issue could be addressed by agriculture.

He said that small scale farmers had a place, in that they existed to retain the rural lifestyle to subsist. They were the incubator of tomorrow’s farmers. It was a challenge for the commercial sector to help the developing sector.

He said that farmers were the custodians of the earth and must look for more sustainable farming practices. Agriculture was multi-functional and the farmers must be kept on the land. They must be the harbour and incubators of society firstly and secondly, produce food.

The Chairman thanked Prof Karaan for his address.

18. Address by Mrs Annelize Crosby, Agri SA Parliamentary Liaison Officer, Legal and Policy Advisor
“Land Reform in Perspective”

The Chairman introduced Mrs Crosby to the meeting.

Mrs Crosby thanked Congress for inviting her to address delegates. She said that international experience with land reform was still an experiment. Some countries had been successful but in South Africa we had no choice, it had to be done and done successfully. South Africans needed to be positive without making the same mistakes as in the past. Cognisance needed to be taken of what was happening internationally and in other areas, e.g. climate change, etc.

She said that the South African Constitution was the basis of our democracy that we should not tamper with it lightly.

She said the property clause attempted to balance the rights of existing property owners and people who never had access to property. Section 25 prohibits the arbitrary deprivation of property rights. It made provision for expropriation in the public interest, but required the payment of just and equitable compensation. With regard to market value, Agri SA conceded that this should be the point of departure in calculating compensation.

The expropriation clause required a balancing of the rights of individuals with the interest of the public.

She said that all major international human rights instruments recognised property rights. The Food and Agricultural Organisation’s study recognised that compulsory acquisition might ultimately bring benefits to society, but also acknowledged the fact that it was disruptive to the people whose land was acquired as it displaced families from their homes and farmers from their fields and could interfere with livelihoods and destroy networks and social relations.

It found that:-

· The power of compulsory acquisition could be abused
· Most countries supplemented the constitutional basis for compulsory acquisition with extensive laws and regulations
· Steps for compulsory acquisition should include:-

o Planning
o Publicity
o Valuation and submission of claims
o Payment of compensation
o Possession
o Appeals

· Compensation was at the heart of compulsory acquisition.

The principle of equivalence was crucial in determining compensation: affected owners and occupants should be neither enriched nor impoverished as a result of the compulsory acquisition.

She said that these principles should be applied in any new policy and law regarding land in South Africa.

It would appear that the Green Paper on Rural Development and Land Reform would attempt to implement the resolutions of the Land Summit and the ANC policy proposals adopted at Polokwane. These included a right of first refusal, land ceilings, strengthened rights for farm dwellers and a new expropriation law.

These practices should be looked at when it came about early next year with the new expropriation law, where both bad and good would come out. The Land Management Commission would be tasked with carrying out a land audit. One of the aims of the Green Paper would be to regulate foreign ownership.

She said that before instituting radical new laws and policy, we should address the real reasons for the slow progress with land reform, being budgetary constraints, lack of competent and skilled officials to implement policies, bureaucratic red tape and corruption. The focus should be on getting implementation right.

In conclusion she said that we should look at international experience and past experience and try and fix that. Try to be innovative to how it could work. Local forums should take responsibility in their own areas and work out solutions. A suggestion would be agri-villages where farm workers could reside, where they got title but could still work in the area. All areas should be explored as part of the solution.

The Chairman thanked Mrs Crosby for her address.

19. Open Discussion
The Chairman opened the floor for debate.

a. Mr Brian Aitken, Forestry SA, said that all farmers were thinking positively about land reform but government were in breach of the charter, communication appeared to have stopped and suggested that the President of SA talk to farmers who could make land reform work.
b. Mr Cas Joubert, Ingogo Flentershoek Farmers’ Association asked if there had been any finalisation of mineral rights during expropriation.
c. Mrs Suzanne Fortmann, Estcourt Farmers’ Association, asked about reimbursement relative to the manner prior or post compensation.
d. Mr Hennie de Villiers, Heatonville Farmers’ Association, asked how government intended to implement the plans.
e. Mr Carl Simpson, Wasbank Farmers’ Association, asked which sector had made strides in Brazil, either the commercial or subsistence sector.
f. Mr Ian King, Ladysmith Farmers’ Association, asked how to deal with illegal immigrants.
g. Mr Ian King, Ladysmith Farmers’ Association, asked how much time and capital was being funnelled into future water resources.

a. Prof Karaan thanked Mr Aitken for his statement and said that we have to deal with government’s failure.
b. Mrs Crosby said that the court case relative to mineral rights was being handled by Agri SA and some outcome should be forthcoming shortly. Mr Hans van der Merwe, Executive Director, Agri SA said that the court case being driven by Agri SA would be in court in October 2010.
c. Mrs Crosby said that compensation should apply to both parties — neither should be enriched or impoverished.
d. Prof Karaan said that even with the best laid plans, sometimes implementation failed. He said that society and government together had to implement the plans. The Commission was formulated to monitor the plan, to oversee government actions and to advise.
e. Prof Karaan said the commercial sector.
f. Prof Karaan said that illegal immigrants accounted for a large part of labour, which was often better and cheaper. He said that it should be an open society where the best talent was utilised.
g. Prof Karaan said that South Africa had a serious water shortage problem and the complicated question was whether to build new schemes or not. He said that several specialists were looking into this problem with the hope of coming up with a solution.

The Chairman thanked Prof Karaan and Mrs Crosby for taking time out to address Congress.

20. Lunch

21. Announcement of Office Bearers
During the lunch break, the Board of Governors met to elect the President and two Vice-Presidents.

These were:
President : Mr Robin Barnsley
Vice-President : Mr Phenias Gumede
Vice-President : Mr Rod Freese

22. Address by Mr Ulrich Joubert, Economic Analyst
“Positioning ourselves for a positive future”

The Chairman introduced Mr Ulrich Joubert to Congress.

Mr Joubert said that the South African economy and agriculture was affected by what was happening internationally.

He said that in the States, the dollar was strong but unemployment levels had risen and consumers had lost their spending power. The negative trend in industrial production in the US/UK economy in 2009 recovered slightly but it had a negative spending power on the consumer. He predicted there would be a slow recovery with low interest rates worldwide for some time.

He encouraged farmers to become involved with local authorities as lack of skills, training and education were limiting factors for growth. He predicted that interest rates would remain low with the Rand remaining strong for a while.

Last year had been a bad year with the recession, this year should be better but people must control their costs in every respect because competition would be strong.

He said that opportunities were available, but one must beware of bad opportunities, and avail oneself of the good ones.

The Chairman thanked Mr Joubert for his address.

23. Open Discussion
The Chairman opened the floor for debate.

a. Mr Rob Stock, Pongola Cane Growers Association, asked whether a weaker or stronger Rand was better for agriculture. Mr Joubert replied that one needed to watch the impacts of imports.
b. Mr Dave McFie, Estcourt Farmers’ Association, asked how our inflation rates were determined. Mr Joubert said that we should calculate our own inflation rates but be aware of the responsibility of cost structures.
c. Mr Cas Joubert, Ingogo Flentershoek Farmers’ Association, asked whether Mr Joubert thought that banks would become more accessible. Mr Joubert said that they were easing their criteria, but would be very careful of risks.

The Chairman thanked Mr Joubert for his address.

24. Resolution
The Chairman said the Board had mandated him to table the following resolution:-

“Agriculture’s role in the economic recovery of South Africa

Congress will explore the challenges and opportunities facing agriculture in the current economic climate as well as the role the sector will play in facilitating sustainable economic growth.

Kwanalu resolution congress 2010

Committed to, and desirous of, a positive, sustainable and viable future for our sector, province and nation, Kwanalu and its members recognize the Bill of Rights and Constitution of the Republic of South Africa as the foundation of their rights and obligations.

Recognising these foundational principles, we undertake and commit to:

1. Focus on our core business of the competitive production of food and fibre which meets the standards expected of us as producers and thus,
2. Contribute to food security for our nation
3. Protect and promote the profitability of agriculture
4. Promote the adoption and implementation of sound values in the way we do business
5. Participate in sustainable land reform and rural development
6. Contribute to economic development and job creation
7. Participate in strategic relationships and partnerships
8. Support and participate in research and development within the sector
9. Maintain a strong organizational and institutional structure for Kwanalu and the sector

In response we expect and call on government to:

1. Uphold, apply and abide by the rule of law
2. Eradicate corruption
3. Implement principles of sound corporate governance at all levels of government
4. Recognise the transformation and social challenges in the sector in the context of its core function of production and food security
5. Create a political, economic and production friendly environment where agriculture can flourish, including respecting free market principles
6. Provide the sector with relevant and supportive services including but not restricted to; economic and sector statistics, research and development, veterinary services, extension etc.
7. Refrain from the politicization of the sector, the release of uninformed policy statements and consequent or distorted implementation programs

Mr Rod Freese, Vice-President, Kwanalu said that as a member of Kwanalu and as a farmer, he was confronted with all the challenges spoken. He was a committed South African and committed to his profession and family.

However, as much as he was willing to commit to the future, he could not be expected to do so in an environment of uncertainty brought about by flawed policy implementation and ambiguous policy messages.

He believed that we should unite in analyzing the issues confronting us and through the formulation of policies and action plans, improve the general welfare of all in the agricultural sector through the building of economic opportunity, social advancement and educational improvement.

He recognized the Constitution of the republic of South Africa and the rights bestowed and attendant obligations.

He said that he believed that Kwanalu in its approach was always positive and pragmatic, always positive and challenging, always proudly South African and moved for the adoption of this resolution.

Mr Phenias Gumede, Vice-President of Kwanalu, said that as a member of Kwanalu and as a farmer he was confronted with all the same challenges. He was also committed to a positive, sustainable and viable future for the sector, province and nation and therefore seconded the resolution.

The Chairman asked for comments from the floor and Mr Rob Stock asked if Kwanalu could not be used as the umbrella to unite this. The Chairman said that Kwanalu was the unified body in the province but this resolution needed to be handled nationally. It was suggested that to strive for unity could be added at a 10th point.

The resolution was unanimously ACCEPTED.

25. Closure
Mr Barnsley thanked the sponsors once again, the delegates for their input, the staff, media and press for their attendance. He requested delegates to go back to their districts and talk positively about the issues. Leadership was a challenge and implored them to seek out their best leaders and encourage them to stand up.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed.

P O Box 100123
Tel: 033-342 9393
Fax: 033-345 7141
email: director@kwanalu.co.za

17 September 2010


The election of the Management Committee took place at the Board Meeting after Congress. Together with the President and Vice-Presidents, the following were elected onto Manco:-

Mr Christopher Hadebe
Mr Brian Aitken
Mrs Queen Ngwenya
Mr Scot Scott
Mr Ken Robinson