

Vloede: Ramptoestand moet noodlenigingsfinansiering en herbou van kritieke infrastruktuur versnel | Floods: State of disaster must accelerate relief funding and rebuilding of critical infrastructure

English to follow:

15 Februarie 2023

Agri SA verwelkom die verklaring van ’n ramptoestand om die vloedskade in die Oos-Kaap, Mpumalanga, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, die Vrystaat en Noordwes aan te spreek. Boere staar ongekende skade aan produkte, eiendom en lewensbestaan in die gesig, en gevolglik moet die verklaring opgevolg word deur die ontplooiing van hulpbronne om verligting aan boere te bied en kritieke infrastruktuur wat deur die vloede beskadig is, te herbou.

Die aankondiging, wat deur dr. Nkosazana Zuma, minister van samewerkende regering en tradisionele sake, gemaak is, volg op ’n week van swaar reënval, met nog reën wat vandeesweek verwag word. Benewens die skade aan private eiendom, het die oorstromings kritieke infrastruktuur vernietig. In dele van KwaZulu-Natal, waar vloede in 2022 reeds aansienlike skade aangerig het, is die gevolge katastrofies.

Ons doen ’n beroep op minister Dlamini-Zuma om maatreëls in plek te stel om die beskikbaarstelling van noodlenigingsfinansiering op ’n deursigtige en verantwoordbare wyse te verseker. Ons vertrou dat die betrokke portefeuljekomitee van die Nasionale Rampbestuursentrum (NDMC) en die kantoor van die ouditeur-generaal hul rol in dié verband sal speel.

Agri SA sal voortgaan om die situasie te monitor en lede ingelig gou deur die organisasie se samewerking met die NDMC. Ons moedig boere aan om impak-assesserings wat deur die onderskeie provinsiale rampbestuursentrums verskaf word, te voltooi om te verseker dat die skade wat weens die gure weer gely is behoorlik verreken kan word.


Andrea Campher

Agri SA, Risiko- en rampbestuurder


15 February 2023

Agri SA welcomes the declaration of a state of disaster addressing the damage caused by floods in the Eastern Cape, Mpumalanga, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Free State, and North West. As farmers face untold damage to their produce, property and livelihoods, the declaration must be followed by the deployment of resources to provide relief to farmers and rebuild critical infrastructure damaged by the floods.

The announcement, made by Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Dr Nkosazana Zuma, follows a week of heavy rainfall with more rain expected this week. In addition to damaging private property, the floods have destroyed critical infrastructure. In parts of KwaZulu-Natal, where floods in 2022 had already caused significant damage, the result is catastrophic.

We urge Minister Dlamini-Zuma to put measures in place to ensure the deployment of relief funding in a transparent and accountable manner. We trust that the national disaster management centre (NDMC)and the Auditor-General’s office will play their role in this regard.

Agri SA will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates to members through our collaboration with the NDMC. We encourage farmers to complete impact assessments provided by the respective provincial disaster management centres to account for the damages suffered due to inclement weather.


Andrea Campher

Risk and Disaster Manager