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Staatsrede: Oplossing van die energiekrisis mag nie deur burokrasie ontspoor word nie | SONA: Resolution of the energy crisis must not be derailed by bureaucracy

English to follow:

10 Februarie 2023

Alhoewel Agri SA die president se fokus op die elektrisiteitskrisis sy staatsrede verwelkom, bly die sektor diep bekommerd oor die voortslepende en verwoestende impak van beurtkrag op die landbousektor. Ons bevraagteken verder die noodsaaklikheid en waarde van die verklaring van ‘n nasionale ramptoestand om die krisis die hoof te bied.

Die aankondiging van ‘n nuwe minister van elektrisiteit in die presidensie verg ook verdere besonderhede. Die magte van hierdie ministerie en die onderskeiding daarvan van die ministeries van minerale en energie en openbare ondernemings moet duidelik uiteengesit word om te verhoed dat ‘n burokratiese nagmerrie geskep word wat die oplossing van die energiekrisis belemmer eerder as versnel.

Die president het ook aangekondig dat die ramptoestand gebruik sal word om kritieke infrastruktuur van beurtkrag vry te stel. Agri SA herhaal sy oproep dat die landbousektor ingevolge sulke regulasies as ‘n noodsaaklike diens verklaar moet word. Gegewe die belangrikheid van voedselsekerheid tot die welstand van Suid-Afrikaners en die land se stabiliteit, moet hierdie gedeeltelike vrystelling van beurtkrag bo fase 4 ook geïmplementeer word in die landbousektor wat van elektrisiteit afhanklik is vir besproeiing, verpakking, verwerking en koelopberging.

Agri SA verwelkom die positiewe skuiwe om die kapasiteit van Suid-Afrika se hawens aan te spreek, asook die pogings om infrastruktuur soos spoor, paaie en landelike brûe te verbeter. Daar moet nog gesien word hoe vinnig hierdie projekte aanlyn sal kom, wat die produktiwiteit van die landbousektor sal verbeter. Agri SA sal onvermoeid werk sodat hierdie kritieke ingrypings die beskerming van volhoubare voedselproduksie in Suid-Afrika te verseker.


Christo van der Rheede

Agri SA, Hoof-uitvoerende Beampte


10 February 2023

While Agri SA welcomes the President’s focus on the electricity crisis in his State of the Nation Address, the sector remains deeply concerned about the ongoing and devastating impact of loadshedding on the agricultural sector. We further question the necessity and value of the declaration of a National State of Disaster to address the crisis.

The announcement of a new Minister of Electricity in the presidency also requires further detail. The powers of this ministry and its distinction from the ministries of Mineral Resources and Energy and Public Enterprises must be clearly set out to avoid creating a bureaucratic nightmare that hinders rather than accelerates the resolution of the energy crisis.

The President also announced the planned use of the State of Disaster to exempt critical infrastructure from loadshedding. Agri SA reiterates its call for the agricultural sector to be declared an essential service under such regulations. Given the centrality of food security to the wellbeing of South Africans and the country’s stability, this intervention must be used to partially exempt the parts of the agricultural sector dependent on electricity for irrigation, packing, processing, and cold storage from loadshedding above stage 4.

Agri SA welcomes the positive moves to address the capacity of South Africa’s ports, and the efforts to improve infrastructure such as rail, roads, and rural bridges. It remains to be seen how quickly these projects will come online, enhancing the productivity of the agricultural sector. Agri SA will work tirelessly on these critical interventions to ensure the protection of sustainable food production in South Africa.

Media Enquiries:

Christo van der Rheede

Agri SA, Chief Executive Officer