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Covid-19 TERS Extension

The Minister of Employment and Labour, Thulas Nxesi has signed the Directive to implement a third extension of the   Covid19 TERS benefit.

This third phase will bring relief for the following categories of workers:

  • Workers, employed in specified sectors, that have not been able to work from 16th March due to the Level 1, 2 and 3 restrictions that prevented gatherings over a certain number of people to be held – such as in the entertainment industry;
  • Workers that have been impacted upon by the current Level 4 restrictions which commenced on the 28th June 2021; and
  • Workers that have not been able to work because they are over 60 or have co-morbidities and could not be accommodated at work in the period, as well as those who have had to isolate or quarantine.

The period the direction covers ends on 25 July 2021.

Please find attached hereto the brief from the UI Sub-Committee team regarding the impending TERS extension as well as the extension letter to Employers and Direction from the Department of Employment and Labour.

B4SA BRIEF C19 TERS Extension 17.07.2021


TERS Extension Employer letter 18.07.2021