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Suid-Afrika is ‘n voedselseker land en verbruikers word aangemoedig om paniekaankope te midde van COVID-19 te staak | South Africa is food secure and consumers are urged to stop panic buying amid COVID-19

English to follow:

23 Maart 2020

 Die toename in COVID-19 gevalle in Suid-Afrika is ‘n groot kommer vir almal. Die stappe wat deur die regering geneem is om die verdere verspreiding van die virus te bekamp, moet deur almal ondersteun word.

Die instel van drastiese maatreëls word egter voorsien, indien die virus verder versprei.

Die landbousektor werk daarom saam met die regering om die voorsiening van vars en essensiële landbouprodukte te prioritiseer en te waarborg. Die waardekettings wat die produkte daagliks voorsien, het die nodige voorsorgmaatreëls in plek om werkers te beskerm en om voorraad deurlopend te skuif.

In geval van verdere inperkings, sal die oes, prosessering, verspreiding, aflewering en verkope van landbouprodukte en kruideniersware hiervan vrygestel word.

Sien aangeheg ‘n verdere verduideliking wat ten doel het om groter gerusstelling en bewustheid onder die wye publiek te weeg te bring.

Wees verseker dat die landbousektor midde van hierdie krisis sal voortgaan om ons land te voed. Saam sal ons dit oorkom.

Agri SA_Staak paniek-aankope en hou essensiele waardekettings aan die gang


Christo van der Rheede

Agri SA Adjunk-Uitvoerende Direkteur


23 March 2020

The increase in COVID-19 cases in South Africa is a major concern for everyone. The steps taken by the government to combat the further spread of the virus should be supported by all.

However, drastic measures are envisaged if the virus spreads further.

The agricultural sector is, therefore, working with the government to prioritize and guarantee the supply of fresh and essential agricultural products. The value chains that supply the products daily have the necessary precautions in place to protect workers and to keep supplies moving.

In case of further restrictions, the harvesting, processing, distribution, delivery, and sale of agricultural products and groceries will be exempted from this.

See attached a further explanation aimed at bringing greater reassurance and awareness to the general public.

Rest assured that the agricultural sector will continue to feed our country amid this crisis. Together we will overcome this.

Agri SA_Stop the panic buying and keep essential value chains moving


Christo van der Rheede

Agri SA Deputy Executive Director