

Santam, in samewerking met Agri SA, gee hoop aan droogte-geteisterde Sutherland-gemeenskap / Santam gives hope to drought-stricken Sutherland community in collaboration with Agri SA

18th April 2019

English to follow:

Agri SA is innig dankbaar teenoor Santam vir hul R300 000-skenking aan die Agri SA Droogterampfonds.

Die voortslepende droogte in Sutherland in die Noord-Kaap het ‘n verwoestende afname in die skaapteeltbevolking tot gevolg gehad en het die dorp se ekonomie onder geweldige druk geplaas. In die lig hiervan, het Suid-Afrika se voorste versekeraar, Santam, R300 000 geskenk aan die Agri SA Droogterampfonds wat ten doel het om verligting aan boere, plaaswerkers en die Sutherland-gemeenskap te bring.

Die gebrek aan goeie reëns in die streek sedert 2013 het veroorsaak dat boorgate op plase opdroog. Dit het ‘n nadelige impak op skaapproduksie – die ruggraat van dié afgeleë dorpie se ekonomie.

“Die Agri SA Droogterampfonds beoog om te verseker dat Suid-Afrikaanse boere met hul boerderybedrywighede kan voortgaan en dat voedselsekerheid en werksgeleenthede beskerm word,” aldus John Lomberg, Hoof: Belanghebbendesverhoudinge en Korporatiewe Sosiale Belegging by Santam. “Ons ondersteun hierdie organisasie ten volle en moedig ander organisasies aan om ook hulp te verleen aan droogte-geteisterde boere.”

“Dit is verblydend dat Suid-Afrikaners en Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappye ons boere ondersteun gedurende hierdie moeilike tye,” sê Christo van der Rheede, Agri SA se Adjunk Uitvoerende Direkteur. “Santam is reeds jare lank ‘n vennoot van Agri SA en ons is verheug dat hulle met hierdie skenking hul hulp aan boere bied.”

Sedert sy ontstaan in 2015, kon die Agri SA Droogterampfonds reeds duisende kommersiële en opkomende boere en hul gemeenskappe help. Skenkings wat in die verlede gemaak is sluit in veevoer, water, brandstof, vervoer en finansiële hulp. Verder is daar ook sedert 2015 meer as R18-miljoen ontvang om boere en hul gemeenskappe te voorsien van dringende hulp.

In 2019 het die gemeenskappe van Tosca, Griekwastad, Mosselbaai, Kenhardt, Willowmore, Aberdeen, Paterson, Hoopstad, Fraserburg en Jansenville hulp ontvang.

Agri SA werk ook nou saam met Agri Noordwes, Gift of the Givers, Caring Daisies, Save the Sheep Sutherland en verskeie boere-organisasies en individue om broodnodige hulp vir boere en hul werkers te kry.


Christo van der Rheede

Agri SA Adjunk Uitvoerende Direkteur

(S) 083 380 3492


Agri SA is sincerely grateful to Santam for its R300 000 donation to the Agri SA Drought Relief Fund.

The ongoing drought in Sutherland in the Northern Cape has caused a devastating decline in the sheep breeding population and placed the town’s economy under tremendous strain. In light of this, leading South African insurer Santam has donated R300 000 to the Agri SA Drought Relief Fund which aims to provide relief to farmers, farm workers and the community of Sutherland.

The lack of good rainfall since 2013 in the region has resulted in farmland boreholes drying up, making it harder to raise the sheep that are the backbone of the remote farming town.

“Agri SA Drought Relief Fund aims to ensure that South African farmers can continue farming, that there is food security and that jobs are protected,” says John Lomberg, Head: Stakeholder Relations and Corporate Social Investment at Santam. “We fully support this organisation and encourage other organisations to join us in assisting drought-stricken farmers.”

“It is heart-warming that South Africans and South African corporates are coming out in support of our sheep farmers during this very difficult time,” says Christo van der Rheede, Agri SA Deputy Executive Director. “Santam has long been a partner of Agri SA and we are delighted that they have stepped to offer farmers assistance.”

Since its inception in 2015, Agri SA Drought Relief Fund, has been able to assist thousands of commercial and emerging farmers and their communities. Donations made in the past included feed, water, fuel, transport and financial aid. In addition, donations of more than R18 million have been received since 2015 which have provided farmers and communities with urgently needed assistance.

In 2019 the communities of Tosca, Griekwastad, Mossel May, Kenhardt, Willowmore, Aberdeen, Paterson, Hoopstad, Fraserburg and Jansenville have received assistance.

Agri SA is also working closely with Agri-North West, Gift of the Givers, Caring Daisies, Save the Sheep Sutherland, various farmer’s associations and individuals to get much-needed relief to farmers and their workers.


Christo van der Rheede

Agri SA Deputy Executive Director

(C) 083 380 3492