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Publiek moet standpunt inneem teen plaasaanvalle en misdaad in die algemeen! | Public must make a stand against farm attacks and crime in general!

English to follow:

13 November 2020

Agri SA doen ‘n beroep op die publiek om hul stemme te laat hoor teen plaasaanvalle en misdaad in die algemeen. Plaasaanvalle is weer besig om toe te neem, veral in die Vrystaat. Dit is onaanvaarbaar. “Die aankondiging deur die Minister van Polisie gister dat verskeie taakspanne aangestel is om die toename in plaasaanvalle in die Vrystaat te ondersoek word verwelkom. Ons hoop dat die oorsake van hierdie brutale aanvalle vasgestel sal word en dat die polisie die nodige aksie sal neem”, sê Christo van der Rheede, Agri SA se uitvoerende direkteur.

Die landbou het die land aan die gang gehou tydens die inperking. Boere en plaaswerkers het uit hul pad gegaan om ons land, ons buurlande en, deur uitvoere, ander dele van die wêreld, van voedsel te voorsien. Met behulp van nie-regeringsorganisasies het boere vars groente, vrugte en vleispakkies afgelewer aan gemeenskappe wat honger nood ervaar, in ondermeer die Kaapse Vlakte, townships en menige arm gemeenskappe oor die land heen.

Die toename in plaasaanvalle gedurende die afgelope paar weke kan dus nie geduld word nie. Dit moet gestop word!

Hierdie aanvalle is gemik op alle boere, ongeag ras. Swart en wit boere en plaaswerkers word geteiken en word dikwels wreed vermink en vermoor. Ten spyte van die uitdagings rondom plaasaanvalle, ‘n gebrek aan staatshulp en die ewig-dreigende likiditeitsprobleme wat boere in Suid-Afrika in die gesig staar, het die landboubedryf steeds noemenswaardig tot ekonomiese groei bygedra.

Die prys van basiese voedsel in Suid-Afrika bly stabiel danksy ons boere. Ons land trek voordeel uit landbou-uitvoere. In 2019, het landbou-uitvoere, ter waarde van R156,3 biljoen, nagenoeg 10% tot totale uitvoere bygedra. Menige werksgeleenthede is in die proses geskep. Volgens die jongste arbeidsmag-opname deur Statistieke SA, bied die landboubedryf werksgeleenthede aan 808 000 persone.

‘n Paar miljoen gesinslede is afhanklik van die inkomste wat deur die landbousektor gegenereer word. In verskeie gebiede oral in die land werk wit en swart boere saam om die sektor te transformeer en ‘n sukses te maak van grondhervorming.

Boere en plaaswerkers is ‘n bate. Ons land het sy boere nou meer as ooit tevore nodig. Hulle moet beskerm word. Agri SA doen dus ‘n beroep op die breë publiek om druk op die regering uit te oefen en aan te dring op daadwerklike optrede om ‘n einde aan plaasaanvalle en misdaad in die algemeen te bring. Neem standpunt in!

Raak betrokke by gemeenskap-polisiëringsplatforms en plaaswagte. Lig alle belanghebbendes wat by hierdie misdaadvoorkomingsplatforms betrokke is in oor verdagte bedrywighede. Swart en wit gemeenskappe moet hande vat en saamwerk om kriminele aktiwiteite te ontbloot en meewerk om misdadigers in hul midde tot verantwoording te bring.

Polisie betrokkenheid by kriminele aktiwiteite moet aangemeld word by die Onafhanklike Polisie Ondersoek Direktoraat (IPID), wie se taak dit is om kriminele oortredings deur lede van die SAPD te ondersoek.

Kom ons ondersteun die slagoffers en gesinslede van alle boere, plaaswerkers, asook alle ander kwesbare mense wat slagoffers is van hierdie wrede aanvalle. Plaasmoorde en misdaad in die algemeen neem epidemiese afmetings aan in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie toenemende vlaag misdaad kan slegs gestuit word deur druk uit te oefen en met samewerking en voorkomingsaksies deur die breër publiek. Neem asseblief standpunt in teen plaasmoorde en misdaad in die algemeen, veral gedurende die opkomende feesseisoen.


Christo van der Rheede

Agri SA Uitvoerende Direkteur

Tommie Esterhuyse

Voorsitter van Agri SA se Sentrum van Uitnemendheid: Landelike Veiligheid


Agri SA appeals to the broader public to make their voices heard against farm attacks and crime in general. Farm attacks are again on the increase, especially in the Free State. This is unacceptable. “The announcement yesterday by the Minister of Police that various task teams have been appointed to investigate the increase in farm attacks in the Free State is welcomed. It is hoped that the cause of these brutal attacks will be determined, and the necessary action taken by the police,” said Christo van der Rheede, executive director Agri SA.

Agriculture kept the country going during the lockdown. Farmers and farm workers went out there way to continue feeding the country, our neighboring countries and through exports to other parts of the world. Farmers also donated fresh vegetables, fruit and meat packs to hunger-stricken communities and continue to do so in collaboration with non-governmental organisations on the Cape Flats, in townships and in many poverty-stricken communities throughout the country.

The spike in farm attacks during the past few weeks can therefore no longer be tolerated. It must end!

These attacks are aimed at all farmers regardless of race. Black and white farmers and farm workers are targeted and are often brutally maimed and killed. Despite the challenge of farm attacks, lack of government support and the ever-looming liquidity challenges that farmers in South Africa face, it is agriculture that has contributed significantly to economic growth.

The price of basic food in South Africa remains stable thanks to our farmers. Our country also benefits from agricultural exports. In 2019 it amounted to 10 percent of exports at a value of R156,3 billion. Many jobs are created in the process. According to the latest labour force survey by Stats SA, agriculture employs 808 000 people.

A few million family members depend on the income generated by the agricultural sector. In many areas throughout the country, white and black farmers are working hand in hand to transform the sector and to bring about successful land reform.

Farmers and farm workers are an asset. Our country needs its farmers now more than ever. They must be protected. Agri SA, therefore, calls on the broader public to put pressure on government to stop paying lip service to bring an end to farm attacks and crime in general. Please make a stand!

Become involved in community policing platforms and farm watches. Inform all stakeholders involved in these crime prevention platforms about any suspicious activity. Black and white communities must join hands and work together to expose criminal activities and apprehend criminals in their midst.

Police involvement in criminal activities must also be brought to the attention of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) whose job it is to investigate criminal offences committed by members of the SAPS.

And let us support the victims and family members of all farmers, farm workers and all other vulnerable people who fall victim to these brutal attacks. Farm murders and crime, in general, is reaching epidemic proportions in South Africa. It is only through public pressure and collaborative and preventative action by the broader public that we will be able to stem the rising tide of crime. Please make a stand against farm murders and crime in general, especially during the upcoming festive season.


Christo van der Rheede

Agri SA Executive Director

Tommie Esterhuizen

Chairperson, Agri SA Centre of Excellence: Rural Safety