National Minimum Wage announcement
National Minimum Wage announcement
Agri SA acknowledges media reports indicating that president Cyril Ramaphosa signed the National Minimum Wage Act and three other labour amendment acts into law on Friday 23 November 2018.
According to these reports the national minimum wage will commence on 1 January 2019. This means:
• The minimum wage in the agricultural sector will increase from R16.25 per hour to R18 per hour.
• The rest of the agricultural sectoral determination will remain in force as is.
Agri SA will keep members informed of any further developments and we will distribute the official government communication as soon as we receive it.
Nasionale Minimumloon aankondiging
Agri SA neem kennis van mediaberigte wat aandui dat die Nasionale Minimumloonwet, sowel as drie ander arbeidswysigingswette op Vrydag 23 November deur president Cyril Ramaphosa onderteken is.
Volgens berigte sal die nasionale minimumloon op 1 Januarie 2019 in werking tree. Dit beteken:
• Die minimumloon in die landbousektor sal styg vanaf R16.25 per uur na R18 per uur.
• Die res van die landbou sektorale vasstelling bly presies soos tans in werking.
Agri SA sal u op hoogte hou van enige verdere verwikkelinge en ook amptelike regeringskommunikasie in hierdie verband aan u versprei sodra dit ontvang word.
Jahni de Villiers
Hoof: Arbeid en Ontwikkeling
Agri SA