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Make 2018 the year you make a difference

Giving back is good for us. According to the author of the best seller The How of Happiness, Sonya Lyubomirsky, being kind and generous leads you to perceive others more positively and more charitably, which in turn fosters a heightened sense of inter-dependence and cooperation within communities.

This year we would like to encourage you to make 2018 the year you foster goodwill within your local communities and believe there is no better way, to begin this process, than to give-back. As such we adopted an exciting new campaign, to celebrate Kwanalu’s 20th anniversary, entitled ‘20 Minutes of Transformation’. This is an initiative calling on farming communities to rally together for 20 minutes each – 1 minute for each of Kwanalu’s 20 years of existence – to make a tangible difference to the lives of those in need in your local communities.

This is a reminder to get your thinking caps on and come up with some ideas that will make a positive impact on the people in your community. You have until the 24th April 2018 – Kwanalu’s actual birthday, to get your project off the ground. We will be sending  out an email to the chair of each Farming Association with more information and an action plan to assist you with getting your project underway.

Click here for more information on how you can help.