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KZN: Foot & Mouth Disease Movement Protocol 30 June 2021

Dear Members


  1. Foot & Mouth Movement Protocol

The National Director of Animal Health hereby states in terms of the Animal Diseases Act, 1984 (Act No.35 of 1984), control measures relating to:

the movement of animals and animal products INTO, WITHIN, THROUGH and OUT OF the FMD Disease Management Area of the KwaZulu Natal Province, herein after referred to the DMA.

This Movement Control Protocol applies to the DMA as declared under Act 35 of 1984 – comprising the Municipal Districts of King Cetshwayo, Umnkhanyakude and Zululand and illustrated on the map indicated as Annexure A in the document.

For the full movement protocol please click here:

KZN DMA Movement Control Protocol

Click here for the gazette:
