Duidelikheid oor regulasies dringend nodig | Clarity on regulations urgently needed
English to follow:
28 Junie 2021
Agri SA soek groter duidelikheid oor die verwysing in die jongste Vlak 4-regulasies, wat soos volg lui: ‘’Gatherings at auctions are not permitted’.
“Beteken dit dat veilings wel kan plaasvind, maar dat daar nie ’n byeenkoms van mense kan wees nie?” vra Christo van der Rheede, uitvoerende direkteur van Agri SA. “En watter veilings is hier ter sprake?”
Verwys dit na alle veilings, insluitend eiendom en ander bates en ook landbouveilings? “Agri SA soek uitklaring,” sê Van der Rheede. “Die feit dat landbou as ’n noodsaaklike diens verklaar is, vereis dat veeveilings moet voortgaan. Hoe gemaak met veeveilings wat reeds geskeduleer is?”
Agri SA sal graag wil weet hoe prakties haalbaar dit is wanneer die teenwoordigheid van mense verbied word. “Veilings is die lewensaar van die lewendehawebedryf. As dit verder onder druk kom, hou dit bepaalde risiko’s in vir die bedryf, die verbruiker en beskikbaarheid van vleisprodukte.”
En hoe gaan die verbod op byeenkomste by veilings in landelike gebiede veral kommersiële en opkomende boere en gemeenskappe raak wat afhanklik is van dié boere vir hul vleis?
Waar moontlik, sal vellings nou aanlyn gehou moet word om deurlopend in die vraag na lewende hawe te voorsien. “Dit is egter nie in alle gevalle moontlik nie!”
Agri SA is ook bitter bekommerd oor die uitwerking van die algehele verbod op die wyn- en groter drankbedryf. Die ekonomiese gevolge van die inperkings op die restaurant-, toerisme- en ander bedrywe soos die wildsbedryf gaan dié bedrywe verder knou.
“Waar is die hulppakkette om die wyn-, breër alkoholiese-, wild-, restaurant- en toerisme-bedrywe te ondersteun?” vra Van der Rheede.
Christo van der Rheede
Uitvoerende direkteur van Agri SA
28 June 2021
Agri SA is seeking greater clarity on the following reference in the latest Level 4 regulations: ‘Gatherings at auctions are not permitted’.
“Does it mean that auctions may take place but people may not gather together? Which auctions are applicable here?” asks Christo van der Rheede, executive director of Agri SA.
Does it refer to all auctions, including auctions of property and other assets, as well as farm auctions? “Agri SA wants clarity,” says Van der Rheede. “The fact that agriculture was declared an essential service requires that livestock auctions should continue. What about livestock auctions that have already been scheduled?”
Agri SA wants to know how practical it is when the presence of people is restricted. “Auctions are vital to the survival of the livestock industry. Further pressure will pose particular risks for the livestock industry, the consumer, as well the availability of meat products.”
Where possible, auctions will now have to be held virtually to continue meeting the demand for livestock. “However, this is not possible in all instances!”
What effect will the restrictions on gatherings at auctions in rural areas have, especially for commercial and emerging farmers and the communities who are dependent on these farmers for their meat?
Agri SA is also seriously concerned about the impact of the total ban on wine and broader alcoholic beverage industry. The economic impact of the regulations on restaurants, tourism and others, such as the game industry, will further aggravate their situation.
“Where are the aid packages to support the wine, broader alcoholic beverage, restaurant and tourism industries?” Van der Rheede wants to know.
Christo van der Rheede
Agri SA, Executive Director