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Kwanalu Survey: Impact of Protests on Agriculture

“Kwanalu engages continuously with relevant stakeholders in an attempt to minimise the impact of incidents on our members’ businesses. We call on the relevant authorities and leadership in the province to step up to ensure that law and order is established and maintained, and to protect and create an enabling environment in which all rural people but particularly the agricultural sector is able to participate in the economy without fear or prejudice.

In order to provide us with real-time, relevant and quantitative facts to support our demands we rely on  members to provide factual feedback on the impact of the protests affecting their agricultural and business activities.” extract from recent statement.

There were more protests in 2018 than in the previous 13 years and predictions that this could worsen in 2019 are most certainly starting to materialise. Kwanalu requires information to support a submission to relevant and key stakeholders to seek interventions, protection and relevant support for the agricultural sector. Read more here.

Click here to complete the Online Kwanalu Survey: Impact of Protests on Agriculture. 

Should you not be able to complete online please contact info@kwanalu.co.za for a .doc version.