Kwanalu messaging ~ moving to Telegram
Following WhatsApp’s announcement that the sending of messages to large numbers of contacts is no longer permissible and subject to significant fines, Kwanalu’s instant messaging will be moving to Telegram.
Telegram a cloud-based messaging app with a focus on speed and security; it is fast, simple and free. As with WhatsApp, this will be a private broadcast service, not a group or a discussion forum ensuring you will not be inundated with messages and replies from us and other members.
Advantages of Telegram as an instant messaging system:
- It is free to use; however, just like WhatsApp, will require data or an internet connection to send/receive messages.
- It is the same format as WhatsApp but allows for organisations like Kwanalu to continue to inform their members via a broadcast message for free and with no risks to contacts’ security.
- It will not share your data with any organisations or government entities, for advertising purposes or any other reason (as WhatsApp does).
- There are no irritating adverts on the app while you use it.
To continue to receive Kwanalu’s accurate and informed messages, simply follow the steps below:
- Open the App Store (IOS/iPhone) or the Play Store (Android) and search for Telegram.
- Once you have found the app, select “Get” (IOS/iPhone) or “Install” (Android).
- Now that it has installed, open the app and follow the prompts.
- If you have received WhatsApps from Kwanalu in the past, we will be able to “find you” as soon as you have joined Telegram (as it is a cloud-based system) and will then add you to our broadcast “channel” to receive the latest news and updates from Kwanalu.
- If you are a Kwanalu member and have not received communication from us in the past, please send your details to Delyse on
- For further information, please see this video on how to download and get started with Telegram: