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Geluk aan die OVK en Suid-Afrika | Congratulations to the IEC and South Africa

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12 Mei 2019

Agri SA wil graag die Verkiesingskommissie (OVK) op ’n suksesvolle 2019 Nasionale en Provinsiale verkiesing geluk wens. Dit is g’n klein taak om ’n fundamentele demokratiese taak op so ’n groot skaal te bestuur nie. Agri SA wil ook elke Suid-Afrikaner wat hul reg om te stem uitgeoefen het, bedank.

“Agri SA werk nouliks met die parlement om ons nasionale verteenwoordigers oor verskeie kwessies rakende landbou as geheel in te lig,” sê Omri van Zyl, Agri SA Uitvoerende Direkteur. “’n Nuwe parlement bring nuwe geleenthede om verder vertroude verhoudinge met die verteenwoordigers van Suid-Afrika te versterk. Dit is ’n nuwe parlement met ’n paar nuwe gesigte, maar Agri SA het die vertroue opgebou en is in ’n gesagsposisie onder parlementariërs om op vorige werk voort te bou.

Agri SA sal voortgaan om hulself vir ’n gesonde ekonomiese beleid wat landbou ondersteun en op werkskepping gerig is, te beywer. Agri SA fokus op vyf beleidsterreine met betrekking tot landbou; arbeid en ontwikkeling, plaasveiligheid, ekonomie en handel, natuurlike hulpbronne en grond. Elk van die gebiede is beman met kundiges wat op ’n gereelde basis met verskeie belanghebbendes, insluitend regeringsamptenare en parlementslede, in kontak is.

“Baie gewag is oor verkiesingsvoorspellings gemaak, maar die regte werk begin nou en dit behels ’n samehangende strategie om individuele besluitnemers in te lig asook om beleidsbegrippe aan die publiek te kommunikeer,” sê Pietman Roos, Agri SA Hoof van Kommunikasie en Korporatiewe Sake. “’n Grondwetlike demokrasie behels veel meer as om jou kruisie te trek, dit behels ’n aktiewe deelname aan beleidskwessies wat die land raak. Sommiges voel asof die parlement net dokumente onderteken – maar dit is waar beleidsbeïnvloeding ’n kardinale rol speel.”

Agri SA sien uit na die samestelling van die sesde parlement en die beleidsontwikkeling wat deur die belangrike liggaam gedryf sal word.


Pietman Roos

Agri SA Hoof: Kommunikasie en Korporatiewe Sake

(S) 066 201 8326

Omri van Zyl

Agri SA Uitvoerende Direkteur

(S) 082 417 5724


12 May 2019

Agri SA wishes to congratulate the Electoral Commission (IEC) on the successful 2019 National and Provincial Election. It is no small task to manage a fundamental democratic task on such a large scale. Agri SA also wishes to thank every South African who exercised their right to vote.

“Agri SA works closely with parliament to inform our national representatives on various issues affecting agriculture as a whole,” said Omri van Zyl, Agri SA Executive Director. “A new parliament brings new opportunities to further strengthen trusted relationships with the representatives of South Africa. It is a new parliament with some new faces, but luckily Agri SA has built up the trust and position of authority among parliamentarians to pick up where we left off.”

Agri SA will continue to advocate for sound economic policy supportive of agriculture and aimed at job creation. Agri SA focusses on five policy areas related to agriculture; labour and development, farm safety, trade and economics, natural resources, and land. Each of these areas are staffed with experts who regularly engage with various stakeholders including government officials and members of parliament.

“A lot is made about election predictions, but the real work begins now, and it entails a coherent strategy to inform individual decisionmakers while communicating policy concepts to the public,” said Pietman Roos, Agri SA Head of Communication and Corporate Affairs. “Constitutional democracy entails mores than voting, it is about actively engaging on policy issues that impact the country. Some may feel parliament is often a rubber-stamp, it is certainly not if advocacy is approached in the right way.”

Agri SA looks forward to the constituting of sixth parliament and the policy development that will be driven by this important body.


Pietman Roos

Agri SA Head: Communication and Corporate Affairs

(C) 066 201 8326

Omri van Zyl

Agri SA Executive Director

(C) 082 417 5724