

The voice of agriculture . Die stem van landbou . Izwe lezokulima

Delegering van magte vir waterlisensiëring ’n stap in die regte rigting | Delegations of powers for water use licenses a step in the right direction

English to follow:

23 Maart 2021

Agri SA verwelkom die implementering van kritieke delegering van magte om aansoeke vir watergebruikslisensies te bespoedig.

Die delegering van magte om watergebruikslisensiëring vanaf die departement van water en sanitasie (DWS) se hoofkantoor in Pretoria na streekskantore en die opvangbestuursagentskappe oor te dra, is op 16 Februarie 2021 deur die waarnemende Direkteur-Generaal van die DWS, me Deborah Mochotlhi, afgeteken. Dit is een van die sleutel- strategiese maatreëls om die spertye vir die afhandeling van aansoeke vir watergebruikslisensies van 300 na 90 dae te bespoedig.

Die delegering maak voorsiening vir laerisiko- en laevolume-aansoeke vir watergebruikslisensies om by die onderskeie streekskantore van die DWS afgehandel te word in plaas van slegs in Pretoria. Aansoeke van nasionale belang en wat ’n hoë risiko vir waterhulpbronne inhou, sal steeds deur die DWS se hoofkantoor hanteer word.

Ingevolge die Vulindlela-program wat deur die presidensie ingestel is en wat gevolg het op ’n belangrike aankondiging deur die minister van menslike nedersettings, water en sanitasie in 2020, is die bespoediging van watergebruik-lisensiëringsprosesse geïdentifiseer vir sleutel-hervorming met die oog op ontsluiting van ekonomiese groei in Suid-Afrika. Die DWS se delegering van magte was noodsaaklik in dié verband.

“Agri SA verwelkom hierdie stap deur die DWS vir die bespoediging van die watergebruik-lisensiëringsproses,” sê Janse Rabie, hoof van die organisasie se Sentrum vir Uitnemendheid: Natuurlike Hulpbronne. “Ons hoop dat die landbousektor, as grootste gebruiker van Suid-Afrika se waterhulpbronne, baat sal vind by hierdie verwikkeling. Ons wil ook graag die Suid-Afrikaanse Assosiasie van Watergebruikersverenigings gelukwens en veral mnr Nic Knoetze bedank vir die waardevolle werk wat oor die afgelope twee jaar in dié verband gedoen is.”


Janse Rabie

Agri SA Hoof van Natuurlike Hulpbronne

Willem Symington

Agri SA Voorsitter: Sentrum vir Uitnemendheid Natuurlike Hulpbronne


23 March 2021

Agri SA welcomes the signing into effect of critical delegations to fact-track applications for water use licences.

The delegation of power to issue water use licenses from the department of water and sanitation (DWS) head office in Pretoria to its regional offices and to catchment management agencies was signed into effect by the acting Director-General of the DWS, Ms Deborah Mochotlhi, on 16 February 2021. This is one of the key strategic measures to achieve revised timeframes to speed up the turnaround time for the finalisation of water use licence applications from 300 to 90 days.

The delegation allows for low risk and low volume applications for water use licenses to be finalised in the respective regional offices of the DWS, as opposed to such applications having to be dealt with in Pretoria only. Applications that are of national importance and that pose a high risk to water resources will continue to be dealt with at the DWS’s head office.

In accordance with the Vulindlela Programme established by the presidency and following a critical announcement by the minister of human settlements, water and sanitation in 2020, expedited water use licensing processes was identified as key reform towards unlocking economic growth in South Africa. The DWS’s delegations were crucial in this regard.

“Agri SA welcomes this critical step by the DWS towards the fast-tracking of water use licensing applications,” says Janse Rabie, head of Agri SA’s Natural Resource Centre of Excellence. “We hope that, as the largest user of South Africa’s water resources, the agricultural sector will benefit from this development. We also wish to extend our thanks and congratulations to the South African Association of Water Users’ Associations, in particular Mr Nic Knoetze, for their invaluable work in this regard over the past two years.”


Janse Rabie

Agri SA Head of Natural Resources

Willem Symington

Agri SA Chairperson: Centre of Excellence Natural Resources