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Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Bill, 2017


The Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Bill was released in Government Gazette, 41257. The legislation is now open for public comment.

The BCE amendment bill provides for:

  • So as, to substitute and insert certain definitions
  • To provide for daily wage payments applicable to certain employees
  • To repeal the provisions dealing with sectoral determinations and the Employment Conditions Commissions
  • To extend the jurisdiction of the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration
  • To extend the provisions for monitoring and enforcement by the labour inspector
  • To include enforcement of the provisions of the National Minimum Wage Act, 2017, the Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act, 2002
  • To provide for claims for underpayment
  • To provide for transitional arrangements
  • To regulate sectoral determinations currently in force
  • To strengthen collective bargaining in respect of the sectors regulated by those determinations and,
  • To provide for matters connected herewith.


Should you wish to provide comments, recommendations etc. please send them to info@kwanalu.co.za by no later than Tuesday 28 November 2017. (note the timeframe for commentary is extremely short).