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22nd Annual NEDLAC Summit


Jahni de Villiers, Head: Labour and Transformation

Agri SA attended the 22nd Annual NEDLAC Summit on 8 September 2017 as part of the business delegation. The theme of the summit was “Restoring integrity by combating corruption through good governance”, and featured a keynote address by deputy-president Cyril Ramaphosa.

Discussions at the summit centred around the following challenges: • Restoring investor confidence in South Africa and creating a favourable environment for sustainable job creation; • Finding ways of mitigating economic downgrades; • Using the existing legal framework to hold those in positions of responsibility accountable; • The National Minimum Wage (NMW), Comprehensive Social Security (CSS) and National Health Insurance (NHI) as some of the key interventions towards restoring the dignity of most South Africans; • Heading back to basics of good governance; and • Respecting democratically established institutions.

The summit was attended by various stakeholders, and provided a very rare opportunity to interact with various ministers, business people and trade union leadership, and the platform to arrange further dialogue between parties.