Suid-Afrikaners is moeg vir leë beloftes! | South Africans are sick and tired of empty promises!
English to follow:
13 Februarie 2020
President Cyril Ramaphosa se 2019 staatsrede het groot beloftes vir die land en al sy mense ingehou. ‘n Bestekopname wat betref die President se beloftes en ondernemings en of hy en sy regering dit gestand gedoen het, dui daarop dat ons land op vele terreine agteruitboer!
In die vorige staatsrede het die President sewe prioriteite uitgelig. Van die vier mees kritiese prioriteite wat insluit ekonomiese transformasie, werkskepping, onderwys en gehalte dienslewering, het dadels gekom.
Groeivooruitsigte vir Suid-Afrika is deur die Wêreldbank verlaag tot onder 1% vir 2020. Statistieke SA dui aan dat die amptelike werkloosheidskoers tans op 29,1% staan. Die ware matriekslaagsyfer word bereken op 42,2%. Volgens die Ouditeur-generaal het die aantal munisipaliteite met skoon oudits vanaf 14% tot 8% verlede jaar gedaal. Dit het ‘n wesenlike impak op dienslewering!
“Dis tyd vir aksie en ons moet ‘n paar groot “Wêreldbekers” wen om die land se verswakkende ekonomiese groei en gebrek aan dienslewering om te draai”, sê Omri van Zyl, Agri SA se uitvoerende direkteur.
Die President moet op die volgende vyf kernfaktore fokus:
- Onteiening sonder vergoeding sal die ondergang van die land se ekonomie en voedselsekerheidstatus beteken. Die regering moet saam met Agri SA werk om volhoubare landbouontwikkeling te bewerkstellig.
- Maak droogteramphulp ‘n nasionale prioriteit en werk saam met die privaatsektor om die probleem om te los.
- Gebruik die privaatsektor se vaardighede om risiko’s soos bek-en-klouseer te mitigeer.
- Maak landelike veiligheid ‘n nasionale prioriteit.
- Privatiseer staatsbeheerde maatskappye soos Eskom en SAL en kry kundiges om die werk te doen.
- Die Zondo kommissie ontbloot dag na dag die omvang van staatskaping. Die Nasionale Vervolgingsgesag moet die skuldiges vervolg en die reg moet sy loop neem. Kader ontplooiing moet ook gestaak word en professionele werkslui wat oor die kundigheid en etiek beskik om die land en al sy mense met passie te dien, moet aangestel word.
“Mense is moeg vir praat – dit is nou tyd vir doen – en tyd vir die President om leierskap te toon”, sê Christo van der Rheede, Agri SA se adjunk-uitvoerende direkteur. “Ons planne is in plek om die ekonomie vorentoe te vat en om risiko’s te bestuur, maar die gebrek aan politieke wil om uitvoering aan hul eie ondernemings te gee, skep hewige frustrasie in die landbousektor en die ekonomie in geheel“, beaam van der Rheede.
Omri van Zyl
Agri SA Uitvoerende Direkteur
(S) 082 417 5724
Christo van der Rheede
Agri SA Adjunk-Uitvoerende Direkteur
(S) 083 380 3492
13 February 2020
President Cyril Ramaphosa’s 2019 State of the Nation address held great promises for the country and all its people. A review to determine the extent of these promises and whether he and his government have upheld them, indicates that our country is in fact taking steps backwards instead of moving forward.
President Ramaphosa pointed out seven priorities in the previous State of the Nation Address. Sadly, nothing came from the most pressing issues that were highlighted. Those include transformation, job creation, education and quality service delivery.
The World Bank has lowered growth prospects for South Africa to below 1% for 2020. Statistics SA indicate that the official unemployment rate is currently at 29.1%. The true matric pass rate is calculated at 42.2%. According to the Auditor General, the number of municipalities with clean audits dropped from 14% to 8% last year. It has a significant impact on service delivery!
“It is time to take action and to win a few “World Cups” in order for our country to bounce back from its slow economic performance and lack of service delivery”, says Omri van Zyl, Agri SA’s executive director.
The President needs to focus on the following five key factors:
- Expropriation without compensation will mean the downfall of the country’s economy and food security status. The government should work with Agri SA to achieve sustainable agricultural development.
- Drought disaster relief should be a national priority and the government should work with the private sector to find solutions for this ongoing problem.
- Use the private sector’s skills and expertise to mitigate risks such as foot-and-mouth disease.
- Make rural safety a national priority.
- Privatize state-owned companies such as Eskom and SAA and get experts to do the job.
- Day by day the Zondo Commission is uncovering the extent of state capture. The National Prosecuting Authority must prosecute the culprits and the law must take its course. Cadre deployment must also be nipped in the bud and professional workers who possess the necessary skills, expertise and ethics to passionately serve the country and all its people, must be appointed.
“People are sick and tired of all talk and no action and it’s time for the President to step up to the plate”, says Christo van der Rheede, Agri SA’s deputy executive director. “We have plans in place to help the economy grow and move forward, but the lack of political will to execute their own businesses creates a lot of frustration in the agricultural sector and the economy”, confirms van der Rheede.
Omri van Zyl
Agri SA Executive Director
(C) 082 417 5724
Christo van der Rheede
Agri SA Deputy Executive Director
(C) 083 380 3492