

Staatsrede #2 2019: waterskeiding of skipbreuk | SONA #2 2019: watershed or shipwreck

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19 Junie 2019

Staatsrede #2 2019: waterskeiding of skipbreuk

Agri SA wil graag President Cyril Ramaphosa op die hart druk om die komende Staatsrede te gebruik om aan te kondig waarvoor die oorgrote meerderheid Suid-Afrikaners al jare lank voor wag: ’n verskuiwing na volhoubare en betroubare regeringsbeleid.

Die enorme ekonomiese druk op die algemene sake-omgewing, huishoudings en landbou kan nie met mooi woorde alleen verlig word nie. Suid-Afrika kort dringend ’n tasbare verbintenis vanuit die Presidentskantoor tot beste praktyk wat sowel plaaslike boere as internasionale beleggers in kan vertrou.

“Die verval in Suid-Afrika se kern-instansies sowel as ekonomiese beleid wat keer-op-keer op ’n resessie uitloop is welbekend,” sê Omri van Zyl, Agri SA Uitvoerende Direkteur. “Vandeesweek is nou die goue geleentheid vir President Ramaphosa om Suid-Afrika op die regte koerse te plaas. Ons vrees is dat as die President nie spoedig die regte besluite neem nie, dit veel groter skade aan die land kan berokken.”

Agri SA is verseker dat die regte taktiese skuiwe aan beleid, veral binne landbou, enorme dividende reeds in die kort-termyn sal bring. Die aanbevelings in die breë sluit in:

  • Spesifieke maatreëls om korrupsie hok te slaan
  • Die skrapping van wetsvoorstelle wat onteiening sonder vergoeding toelaat
  • Plaas- en landelike veiligheid moet as nasionale prioriteit erken word en die inwerkingtrede van die landelike beveiligingstrategie
  • ’n Strategie om landbou-transformasie en grondhervorming volhoubaar te bestuur
  • ’n Behoorlike plan om droogte-geteisterde gebiede met hulp te verleen
  • Die aanspreek van beleidsonsekerheid en ’n bestuursplan oor Suid-Afrika se waterhulpbronne en -infrastruktuur
  • ’n Plan om die geld-vermorsing by mislukte staatsbeheerde-ondernemings te stop

 “President Ramaphosa het die tafel gedek vir ’n ommeswaai in regering; die nuwe kabinet en sekere regeringsaanstellings lyk belowend, nou moet die nodige in samewerking met die privaatsektor gedoen word,” sê Christo van der Rheede, Agri SA Adjunk-uitvoerende Direkteur.

 Agri SA staan gereed om President Ramaphosa en die nuut-aangestelde kabinet te ondersteun met insigte rakende werkbare beleid binne landbou.


Omri van Zyl

Agri SA Uitvoerende Direkteur

(S) 082 417 5724

Christo van der Rheede

Agri SA Adjunk-uitvoerende Direkteur

(S) 083 380 3492


19 June 2019

SONA #2 2019: watershed or shipwreck

Agri SA would like to urge President Cyril Ramaphosa to use the forthcoming State of the Nation Address (SONA) to announce what the vast majority of South Africans have been waiting for: a shift to sustainable and reliable government policies.

The enormous economic pressure on the business environment, households and agriculture cannot be alleviated by mere words. South Africa urgently needs a tangible commitment to best practice from the President’s Office, in which both local farmers and international investors can trust.

“The decay in South Africa’s core institutions, as well as economic policies that continually lead to a recession is well known,” says Omri van Zyl, Agri SA Executive Director. “This week’s SONA brings the golden opportunity for President Ramaphosa to put South Africa on the right track. Our fear is that if the President does not make the right decisions soon, it could do much more harm to the country.”

Agri SA is confident that with the right tactical changes to policies, especially relating to agriculture, tremendous dividends will be returned in the short term. The recommendations in general include:

  • Specific measures to curb corruption
  • The removal of legislative proposals that allow expropriation without compensation
  • Placing farm and rural safety as a national priority and the implementation of the rural safety strategy
  • A strategy to sustainably manage agricultural transformation and land reform
  • A proper plan to assist drought-stricken areas
  • Addressing policy uncertainty and a management plan on South Africa’s water resources and infrastructure
  • A plan to stop the money wastage in failed state-owned enterprises

“President Ramaphosa set the table for a turnaround in government; the new cabinet and certain government appointments look promising, now the necessary needs to be done in collaboration with the private sector,” says Christo van der Rheede, Agri SA Deputy Executive Director.

Agri SA is ready to support President Ramaphosa and the newly appointed cabinet with insights into workable policies in agriculture.


Omri van Zyl

Agri SA Executive Director

(C) 082 417 5724

Christo van der Rheede

Agri SA Deputy Executive Director

(C) 083 380 3492