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Safety tips this festive season

By Freddie van Tonder, Kwanalu Security Desk



We are fast approaching the festive season which historically brings with it an increase in criminal activity due to a high demand for red meat, cash and any items of value to support the perpetrators’ needs. Crime statistics from previous festive seasons also indicate that well organized syndicates are more active during this period; they are opportunistic and will not hesitate to make use of any means or opportunity to fulfil their needs and the demand.


Farming and rural communities must take every possible precautionary measure to ensure their community and own security.


  • Develop a good working relationship with your local police
  • Implement sound security measures on farms
  • Establish a safety network
  • Draw up a database of contact numbers for use in the event of an emergency
  • Create a communication network with all stakeholders, WhatsApp and radio networks
  • Be involved in your local safety structures
  • Keep your firearm at hand and close by but in a safe place especially during the night
  • Keep your fences and gates in proper condition and check them daily
  • Very important – count your seed, fertilizer, implements, livestock etc. regularly, if possible, daily
  • Report all theft cases immediately – insist on getting a case number
  • Livestock owners should take extra security measures to ensure the safety of their stock.
  • Livestock is mostly stolen at night towards the end of a week, with stock theft increasing during the full moon.
  • Livestock owners should implement the following basic safety hints to be proactive at all times:
  1. Loading ramps should be kept locked or obstructed at all times
  2. Very important – count your livestock regularly if possible, daily
  3. Keep a controlled livestock register
  4. Mark (brand) your stock in accordance with legislation
  5. Tattoo your young stock before branding them, this will prove ownership during a dispute of ownership
  6. Do not leave all the responsibilities to your herdsmen, take charge of them yourself.


Stay safe and be vigilant at all times!