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Firearms Control Amendment Draft Bill, 2021

Firearms Control Amendment Draft Bill (FCA)

The FCA draft bill has been published by the police for public comment. The Bill seeks to provide for a vast number of points:

(extract only below – see the bill for the extent of provisions)

  • to provide for the applicant for a firearm to provide a valid reason for possessing a firearm;
  • to provide that no firearm licences may be issued for self-defence purposes;
  • to provide for conditions under which a firearm licence for occasional hunting or sports-shooting may be issued;
  • to provide for the limitation on the number of firearm licences that an occasional hunter or sports-shooter may hold;

Should you wish to comment please provide your inputs by no later than 20 June 2021 to compile a comprehensive input. email. info@kwanalu.co.za

Click here for the:  FAC_Bill