Ramphulpfonds Raad aanstelling | Disaster Relief Fund Board appointment
English to follow:
28 Januarie 2021
Agri SA verwelkom die aanstelling van Andrea Campher, as lid van die Raad vir Ramphulpfondse. Aanstellings op die raad word deur Minister Lindiwe Zulu, Minister van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling gemaak.
Die aanstelling is van krag vanaf 1 Februarie 2021 vir ‘n tydperk van 2 jaar of totdat die Wet op die Fondsinsameling 107 van 1978 herroep word, wat ook al eerste plaasvind. Die doel van die raad is om humanitêre verligting aan persone, organisasies en liggame wat skade ly of skade ly as gevolg van ‘n ramp, te verleen. Campher sal ‘n vertrouensverantwoordelikheid hê om toe te sien dat die verligting toegepas word soos bepaal in die Wet op die Fondsinsameling 107 van 1978.
Campher bestuur tans Agri SA se Risiko- en rampeenheid, asook die voorgenome oprigting van Agri SA se Ramphulp stigting insluit. Sy was aktief betrokke by die administrasie van droogtehulp ter waarde van nagenoeg R27 miljoen wat aan provinsiale affiliasies beskikbaar gestel is, sowel as Agri SA se Surplus-voedselhulpveldtog waardeur meer as 400 ton se voedselhulp aan hongergeteisterde gemeenskappe regoor Suid-Afrika laas jaar versprei is.
Agri SA sien uit na die bydrae wat Campher kan lewer as lid van die Raad vir Ramphulpfondse.
Christo van der Rheede
Agri SA Uitvoerende Direkteur
Andrea Campher
Agri SA Bestuurder Risiko- en Rampeenheid
Agri SA welcomes the appointment of Andrea Campher to the Disaster Relief Fund Board. These appointments are made by Minister Lindiwe Zulu, Minister of Social Development.
The appointment will be effective from 1 February 2021 for a period of 2 years or until the Fund Raising Act 107 of 1978 is repealed, whichever occurs first. The objective of the fund is to render humanitarian relief to persons, organizations and bodies who or which suffer damages or loss caused by a disaster. Campher will have a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that relief is administered as stipulated in the Fund Raising Act 107 of 1978.
Campher is currently managing Agri SA’s Risk and Disaster Unit which includes the imminent establishment of the Agri SA Disaster Relief Foundation. She has been actively involved in the administration of drought aid to the value of approximately R27 million to provincial affiliations as well as Agri SA’s Surplus Food Aid Campaign. Through this campaign, more than 400 tons of food parcels were distributed to hunger-stricken communities throughout South Africa during the last year.
Agri SA looks forward to Campher’s contribution as member of the Disaster Relief Fund Board.
Christo van der Rheede
Agri SA, Executive Director
Andrea Campher
Agri SA, Manager Risk and Disaster Unit