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Public Hearings on the Expropriation Bill

2023 Latest version of the Expropriation bill –

B23B-2020 (Expropriation) (003)

B23B-2020 Expropriation Bill (isiZulu) – VERSION



Please be advised that the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature Portfolio Committee on Public Works will be holding Public Hearings on the Expropriation Bill. The purpose of the Public Hearings is to provide all relevant stakeholders and other interested persons an opportunity to make verbal as well as written representations on the Bill to the Public Works Portfolio Committee


The Bill seeks to provide for the expropriation of the property for a public purpose or in the public interest; to regulate the procedure for the expropriation of property for a public purpose or in the public interest, including payment of compensation; to identify certain instances where the provision of nil compensation may be just and equitable for expropriation in the public interest; to repeal the Expropriation Act, 1975 (Act No. 63 of 1975),  and to provide for matters connected therewith.


In accordance with section 118(1)(a) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 and the Standing Rules of the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature, the Legislature must facilitate public involvement in the legislative process.


Stakeholders may attend the scheduled public hearings either virtually or physically as indicated below:


No Date of Public Hearing District/Cluster Venue for Public Hearing TIME
1. Tuesday,

25 July 2023

Umkhanyakude District Mbazwana Multipurpose Centre 10H00
2. Wednesday,

26 July 2023

Zululand District Ulundi Old Legislature Chamber 10H00
3. Wednesday,

02 August 2023

Ethekwini and Umgungundlovu Districts Umgungundlovu City Hall 10H00
4. Friday,

11 August 2023

King Cetshwayo and Ilembe Districts Sibusisiwe Community Hall, Mandeni Local Municipality 10H00
5. Saturday,

12 August 2023

Uthukela, Amajuba and Umzinyathi Districts Utility Hall at The Indoor Sports Centre in Ladysmith 10H00
6. Friday,

25 August 2023

Ugu District Mkholombe Community Hall in Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipality 10H00


VIRTUAL LINK: Microsoft Teams meeting

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 395 107 874 342
Passcode: LykrVx


All proceedings of the Public Hearings will be streamed live on the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature’s Facebook and YouTube pages.

All interested parties are hereby invited to submit written comments on the Expropriation Bill [B32B-202] to the Public Works Portfolio Committee using one of the following methods listed below:


Written submissions must be submitted no later than 25 August 2023 and be:

Emailed to: phakathit@kznleg.gov.za.


Click here for the latest Bill:


Please provide Kwanalu with a copy of your submission. Email info@kwanalu.co.za


Kwanalu will make further submission on the bill.