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Public Hearings National Veld and Forest Fire Amendment Bill, 2021. 

Content:  Public Hearings on the National Veld and Forest Fire Amendment Bill, 2021.


The KwaZulu-Natal Legislature Portfolio Committee on Conservation and Environmental Affairs will be holding Public Hearings on the National Veld and Forest Fire Amendment Bill, 2021.

Click here for the bill and report:

B24B-2021-national-veld-2021_08 23


The Bills seeks to amend the National Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998, so as to amend and insert certain definitions; to provide for the facilitation of the formation of fire protection associations by a municipality and a traditional council; to compel a municipality, state-owned enterprise, public entity or other organ of state which owns land to join the fire protection associations; to extend the powers of entry, search, seizure and arrest to peace officers and traditional leaders; to amend the title of the Act to the National Veldfire Act; and to provide for matter connected therewith.

Dates for public hearings:

Date: Venue hall and district: Time:
2 August 2023 Ingwavuma Town Hall, uMkhanyakude District 10h00
11 August 2023 Belgrade Community Hall, Zululand District 10h00
18 August 2023 Greytown Hall, Mzinyathi District 10h00
22 August 2023 Utrecht Town Hall 10h00
23 August 2023 Ward 8 Hall, Bhongweni Area, Kokstad, Harry Gwala District 10h00


All proceedings of the Public Hearings will be streamed live on the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature’s Facebook and YouTube pages. All interested parties are hereby invited to submit written comments on the National Veld and Forest Fire Amendment Bill, 2021 [B24B-2021] to the Conservation and Environmental Affairs Portfolio Committee no later than 24 August 2023 Via email: zondilm@kznleg.gov.za.

Please send a copy to – info@kwanalu.co.za