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Opmerking deur Minister Bheki Cele onvanpas! | Comment by Minister Bheki Cele inappropriate!

22 September 2020

English to follow:

Die opmerking ‘Who do you think you are?’ deur Minister Bheki Cele, minister van polisie, teenoor Roland Collyer, ‘n boer van Normandien in KwaZulu-Natal, is neerhalend en onvanpas. Daar is geen regverdiging vir woede-uitbarstings óf neerhalende uitsprake deur dié minister nie. Wat veronderstel was om ‘n konstruktiewe gesprek tussen die landbougemeenskap en die Minister van Polisie te wees, het nou in ‘n publieke uitval ontaard.

Dit is die regering se plig is om sy burgers te beskerm en dit is die reg van enige burger om met die regering hieroor in gesprek te tree. Regeringsamptenare moet die nodige eerbied handhaaf en ten alle tye toon empatie. Indien hulle daarin faal is dit teenstrydig met die Grondwet.

Hierdie tipe woede-uitbarstings het tot gevolg dat die positiewe gesindheid teenoor landbouers en werkers deur die owerheid van die dag belemmer word.

Dit is waarom Agri SA hierdie insident gaan opneem met President Ramaphosa sodat hy kan toetree deur die saak te ondersoek en oplossings help vind vir konstruktiewe samewerking en eensgesindheid. Die veralgemening van enkele insident kan nie as die norm voorgehou word nie, maar is eerder die uitsondering op die reël.

“Agri SA het hom nog altyd beywer om deel te wees van die oplossing en die nodige ondersteuning te lewer rakende probleme wat ons ervaar met landelike veiligheid”, sê Tommie Esterhuyse, voorsitter van Agri SA se sentrum van uitnemendheid oor landelike veiligheid.

Hy gaan voort deur op te merk “Dit is jammer dat landelike veiligheid tydens ‘n imbizo in ‘n politieke debat ontaard het en nie die nodige aandag verdien het wat noodsaaklik is nie”.

Dit is die Minister van Polisie en Suid-Afrikaans Polisiediens (SAPD) se plig om sonder vrees en guns aan hul taak aan uitvoering te gee en die nodige geduld en takt aan die dag te lê om oplossings vir die misdaad probleme in die land in samewerking met alle wetsgehoorsame landsburgers te vind. Die pligte word in ons Grondwet uiteengesit.

Dis die hoeksteen van ons demokrasie en verskans die regte van alle mense in ons land. Agri SA bly daarom verbind om saam met die Minister om ‘n kultuur van wedersydse respek en samewerking te help vestig en te bevorder. Dit is in ons almal se belang dat misdaad van watter aard saam beveg word – nou meer as ooit van te vore.


Tommie Esterhuyse

Voorsitter van Agri SA se Sentrum van Uitnemendheid: Landelike Veiligheid

Christo van der Rheede

Agri SA Uitvoerende Direkteur


The remark ‘Who do you think you are?’ by Minister Bheki Cele, Minister of Police, to Roland Collyer, a farmer from Normandien in KwaZulu-Natal, is derogatory and inappropriate. There is no justification for such outbursts of anger or derogatory remarks. What was supposed to be a constructive dialogue between the agricultural community and the Minister of Police has now turned into a public spat.

It is the duty of the government to protect its citizens and it is the right of any citizen to enter into discussions with the government on this matter. Government officials must always maintain the necessary respect and show empathy. If they fail to do so, it is contrary to the Constitution.

This type of angry outburst undermines the government’s positive attitude towards farmers and workers.

For this reason, Agri SA will raise the incident with President Ramaphosa so that he can intervene by investigating the matter and assist in finding solutions for constructive co-operation and consensus. The generalisation of a single incident cannot be put forward as the norm but is in fact the exception to the rule.

“Agri SA has always strived to be part of the solution and provide the necessary support regarding problems we experience with rural safety”, said Tommie Esterhuyse, chairman of Agri SA’s Centre of Excellence: Rural Safety.

He added: “It is unfortunate that rural security has degenerated into a political debate during an imbizo and has not received the necessary attention”.

It is the duty of the Minister of Police and the South African Police Service (SAPS) to carry out their task without fear and favour and to show the necessary patience and tact to work with all law-abiding citizens to solve crime in the country. These duties are set out in our Constitution.

The Constitution forms the cornerstone of our democracy and enshrines the rights of all people in our country. Agri SA therefore remains committed to working with the Minister to help establish and promote a culture of mutual respect and co-operation. It is in the national interest that we all join forces to fight crime of any nature whatsoever – now more than ever before.


Tommie Esterhuyse

Chair of Agri SA’s Centre of Excellence: Rural Safety

Christo van der Rheede

Agri SA, Executive Director