Nóg een van die ergste brande – hulp nóú nodig | One of the worst fires – help needed now
21 Oktober 2020
Agri SA het vandag ‘n skenking van R300 000 aan Vrystaat Landbou gemaak om geaffekteerde boere en plaaswerkers weens die verwoestende brande in hierdie tyd van nood by te staan.
Meer as 100 000 hektaar weiveld is in ʼn verwoestende brand die afgelope vier dae in groot gedeeltes van die Vrystaat en Noord-Kaap vernietig. Honderde stuks vee, wild en selfs huise is geheel en al verwoes. Boshof, Dealesville, Hertzogville en Hoopstad is van die gebiede wat deur die verwoesting geraak is. Dié brand het in ‘n noordwestelike rigting na Boshof in die Noord-Kaap beweeg. Tans is die vure onder beheer, maar lede van Vrystaat Landbou asook die FS Sambreel BBV (Brand Beskermingsvereniging) hou ‘n wakende oog oor die situasie.
Volgens Vrystaat Landbou, is ‘n brand veroorsaak deur betogers wat bande aan die brand gesteek het tydens ‘n diensleweringsprotesaksie. Dit is verder deur sterk winde aangedryf wat grootliks oor die Vrystaat provinsie voorgekom het. Talle vrywilligers en boere het saamgewerk om die vure te blus. Dit het ook tot ernstige beserings onder die helpers gelei.
Vrystaat Landbou en Agri Noord-Kaap is besig om ‘n opname op grondvlak te doen om die omvang van die skade te bepaal. Die dringendste behoefte is om boere by te staan met die herstel van infrastruktuur soos heinings om vee wat tydens die brande gevlug het, te beveilig. Veevoer en die vervoer daarvan is ook van kritieke belang.
Agri SA doen ʼn beroep op die privaatsektor om skenkings direk aan Vrystaat Landbou te maak. Voornemende donateurs kan met Elize Spence by Vrystaat Landbou skakel deur haar by elize@vslandbou.co.za of 051 444 4609 te kontak. Finansiële bydraes kan as volg aan Vrystaat Landbou se rampfonds gemaak word:
- Vrystaat Landbou
- Rekeningnr: 470940670
- Takkode: 632005
- Verwysing: RAMP+ selnommer
Navrae: Willem Symington
Hoof van Agri SA Rampbestuurseenheid
Francois Wilken
President: Vrystaat Landbou
Andrea Campher
Agri SA se Ramprisikobestuurder
Agri SA made a donation of R300 000 today to Free State Agriculture to assist affected farmers and farm workers in need due to the devastating fire.
More than 100 000 hectares of pastures have been destroyed in a devastating fire in large parts of the Free State and Northern Cape over the past four days. Large numbers of livestock, game and even houses have been destroyed. Boshof, Dealesville, Hertzogville and Hoopstad are some of the areas affected by the devastation. The fire also started to move in a northwesterly direction to Boshof towards the Northern Cape. The fires are currently under control, but members of Free State Agriculture and the FS Umbrella FPA (Fire Protection Association) are monitoring the situation.
According to Free State Agriculture, a fire was caused by protesters who set tyres alight during a protest over service delivery. It was driven further by strong winds that occurred largely over the Free State. Numerous volunteers and farmers joined forces to put out the fires. Some of the helpers were seriously injured.
Free State Agriculture and Agri Northern Cape are conducting a survey at grassroots level to determine the extent of the damage. The most urgent need is to provide assistance to farmers in repairing infrastructure such as fences to secure livestock that had fled during the fires. Stockfeed, as well as the transportation thereof, is critical.
Agri SA appeals to the private sector to make donations directly to Free State Agriculture. Prospective donors can contact Elize Spence of Free State Agriculture at elize@vslandbou.co.za or 051 444 4609. Financial contributions can be made to Free State Agriculture’s disaster fund as follows:
- Free State Agriculture
- Account number: 470940670
- Branch code: 632005
- Reference: RAMP + cell number
Willem Symington
Head of Agri SA Disaster Management Unit
Francois Wilken
President: Free State Agriculture
Andrea Campher
Agri SA’s Disaster Risk Manager