

News from the CEO’s desk – November 2017

It is really rewarding to see the numerous successes being achieved by Kwanalu and its members. The unwavering passion and commitment at all levels of the organisation ensures its relevancy and credibility are highly respected.  Sound leadership is imperative at a time when we are having to attend to emotionally charged events, political agendas and draft legislation which may have detrimental impacts on agriculture. You will have seen in our latest general matters email developments regarding the National Minimum Wage, valuations and expropriation.  The long awaited land audit which Kwanalu and its members contributed to was also released.  This has stimulated a fair amount of discussion and created an opportunity for us to provide solutions towards dealing with land issues.  Undoubtedly there remains lots for us to do but we will remain at the table and ensure we are at the top of our game.