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National Labour Migration Policy

To inform written comments on the Draft National Labour Migration Policy and the Employment Services Amendment Bill a survey is being conducted.

Please kindly assist in completing the survey, click here:  https://bit.ly/3Nh2iXA

Closing Date: 21 May 2022

Click here for the Policy and Bill:



The proposed Amendment Bill proposes a framework that will enable the Minister to set quotas for employment of foreign nationals.  A quota may apply in respect of a sector of the economy, an occupational category or a geographical area.  The Minister will establish a quota in a sector after consultation with the Employment Services Board and after considering public comments.

In summary, National Labour Migration policy aims to achieve a balance between the following:

(a)        The population’s expectations regarding accessibility to work for South Africans, given worsening unemployment and a perception that undocumented foreigners are distorting labour market access;

(b)        South Africa’s labour market needs, in particular the need for critical skills not locally available;

(c)        The protection of migrant workers and their families, in accordance with international standards and guidelines; and

(d)        Regional integration and cooperation imperatives.