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Minimum Requirements Applications for Hydraulic Fracturing / Minimum Vereistes vir aansoeke om hidrouliese breking

Please note additional regulations to the notice of  intention to prescribe minimum requirements for the submission of applications for authorization, right, permit or licence for Onshore Exploration of Oil and Gas intending to utilize Hydraulic Fracturing are available.

 Click here: 47112gon2273

Please find a notice of intention to prescribe minimum requirements for the submission of applications for authorization, right, permit or licence for Onshore Exploration of Oil and Gas intending to utilize Hydraulic Fracturing.

Please copy your inputs to Kwanalu so we can include these for submission by no later than 8 August 2022 to info@kwanalu.co.za

Click here for the proposed minimum requirements: MIRonshoreoilgasexploration

Click here for the gazette: 46688gon2265