

Landbousensus-uitslae op ‘n kritieke tyd bekendgestel | Results of agricultural census released at a crucial time

English to follow

24 Maart 2020

Agri SA verwelkom die bekendstelling van die jongste[1] Census of Commercial Agriculture (CoCA). Ons besef dat goeie besluitneming oor die spektrum aangeleenthede wat die landbou raak, gegrond moet wees op akkurate en betroubare inligting.

Dit sluit in aspekte soos infrastruktuur, dienste, behuising, finansies en werksgeleenthede.  CoCA 2017 is dus baie belangrik vir boere asook die landboubedryf, en nou selfs meer só in die konteks van COVID-19.

Die voorlopige resultate van CoCA 2017 bevestig die belangrike rol wat hierdie sektor in die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie en ons samelewing speel. Dit bied ‘n bondige oorsig van tendense rondom die landbou se rol as voorsiener van voedsel en vesel en die strukturele veranderings wat waargeneem kan word te midde van veranderings in die plaaslike beleidsomgewing asook in die globale mark.

Dit is belangrik om in ag te neem dat hierdie sensus onvolledig is, aangesien dit nie die landbouspektrum in geheel dek nie. Byvoorbeeld, dit sluit nie inligting oor die voormalige tuislande, bestaansboerdery en grondhervormingsbegunstigdes in nie. Hierdie resultate dek slegs die kommersiële landbousektor se 40 122 kern boerdery-eenhede, daarom bly dit steeds moeilik om ‘n volledige evaluasie van bydraes en tendense te doen ten opsigte van die hulpbronne wat hier uitgelaat is en wat verhandel word tydens die transformasieproses.

Die sleutel bevindinge[2] wat deur Stats SA uitgelig word, sluit die volgende in:

  • Die grootste persentasie plase was benut vir diereproduksie (13 639 plase of 33,9% van die totaal), gevolg deur gemengde boerdery (12 458 of 31,1%) en die produksie van grane en ander gewasse (8 559 of 21,3%).
  • Die provinsie met die hoogste getal plase in 2017 was die Vrystaat (7 951 plase of 19,8% van die nasionale totaal), gevolg deur die Wes-Kaap (6 937 of 17,3%), Noordwes (4 920 of 12,3%) en die Noord-Kaap (4 829 of 12,0%).
  • ‘n Vergelyking tussen 2007 en 2017 wys daarop dat tuinbou die grootste aanwas in hul persentasie van nasionale inkomste getoon het (+2,4 persentasiepunte, vanaf 17,4% in 2007 tot 19,8% in 2017). Oor dieselfde tydperk, het gemengde boerdery die grootste persentasie verlies gely (4,1 persentasiepunte, van 32,7% na 28,6%).
  • Die provinsies met die grootste aanwas in hul persentasie van nasionale inkomste tussen 2007 en 2017 was Limpopo (+2,0 persentasiepunte, vanaf 7,4% tot 9,4%), Gauteng (+1,9 persentasiepunte, vanaf 7,8% tot 9,7%) en die Oos-Kaap (+1,5 persentasiepunte, vanaf 6,6% tot 8,1%). Die Wes-Kaap het die grootste persentasie van hul deel van die nasionale inkomste verloor (-2,4 persentasiepunte, van 21,7% na 19,3%).
  • Die totale getal persone wat in die kommersiële landbousektor in diens was op 30 Junie 2018 beloop 757 628 – ‘n afname van 769 594 sedert 28 Februarie 2007 (1,6%).
  • Wat werksgeleenthede betref, was tuinbou die belangrikste kommersiële landbou-aktiwiteit in 2017 (268 740 werknemers of 35,5% van die totaal), gevolg deur gemengde boerdery (185 863 of 24,5%) en diereproduksie (162 116 of 21,4%).”

Agri SA is bewus van Stats SA se vertroulike hantering van respondente se inligting en het sy volle ondersteuning deur sy affiliasies en kommersiële boere gebied en hul aangemoedig om hul vorms so volledig en tydig as moontlik in te dien.

Agri SA wil graag sy lede bedank vir hul deelname om te verseker dat nuttige resultate goeie besluitneming kan steun. Ons wil ook Stats SA bedank vir hul harde werk en toewyding om ‘n sukses van die sensus te maak.


1 Vraelyste is vir die finansiële jaar geëindig op datums 1 Maart 2017 en 28 Februarie 2018. Die vorige sensus was vir 2007.

2 Stats SA. (2020). Key findings: Census of Commercial Agriculture, 2017: Financial and Production Statistics. Available online: http://www.statssa.gov.za/?page_id=1856&PPN=Report-11-02-01&SCH=7902


Dr Requier Wait

Hoof: Agri SA Sentrum van Uitnemendheid: Ekonomie & Handel


24 March 2020

Agri SA welcomes the release of results for the latest1 Census of Commercial Agriculture (CoCA). We realise that good decision-making on the spectrum of matters that affect agriculture should be based on accurate and reliable information.

This includes aspects such as infrastructure, services, housing, finance and employment. CoCA 2017 is therefore very important for both farmers and the agricultural industry. In the current context of COVID-19, this is even more so.

The preliminary results of the 2017 agricultural census confirm the important role that this sector plays within the South African economy and our society. It provides a concise overview of trends in respect of agriculture’s role as food and fibre provider and the structural changes that can be observed amid changes in the local policy environment as well as in the global market.

It is important to bear in mind that this census is incomplete in that it does not cover the entire agricultural spectrum. For example, it does not include information on former homelands, subsistence farming and beneficiaries of land reform. These results only cover commercial agriculture’s core 40 122 farming units. For this reason, it remains difficult to conduct a full valuation of contributions and trends in respect of resources excluded from the census and which change hands in the transformation process.

Some of the key findings 2 highlighted by Stats SA include:

  • “The largest proportion of farms was in the farming of animals (13 639 farms or 33,9% of the total), followed by mixed farming (12 458 or 31,1%) and growing of cereals and other crops (8 559 or 21,3%).
  • The province with the highest number of farms in 2017 was Free State (7 951 farms or 19,8% of the national total), followed by Western Cape (6 937 or 17,3%), North West (4 920 or 12,3%) and Northern Cape (4 829 or 12,0%).
  • Comparing 2007 and 2017, the largest gain in percentage share of income was in horticulture (+2,4 percentage points, from 17,4% in 2007 to 19,8% in 2017). Over the same period, the largest loss in percentage share was in mixed farming (4,1 percentage points, from 32,7% to 28,6%).
  • The provinces with the largest gains in the share of national income between 2007 and 2017 were Limpopo (+2,0 percentage points, from 7,4% to 9,4%), Gauteng (+1,9 percentage points, from 7,8% to 9,7%) and Eastern Cape (+1,5 percentage points, from 6,6% to 8,1%). Western Cape lost the biggest percentage share (-2,4 percentage points, from 21,7% to 19,3%).
  • The total number of persons employed in commercial agriculture as on 30 June 2018 was 757 628, down from 769 594 on 28 February 2007 (1,6%).
  • In terms of employment, the major commercial agriculture activity in 2017 was horticulture (268 740 employees or 35,5% of the total), followed by mixed farming (185 863 or 24,5%) and farming of animals (162 116 or 21,4%).”

Agri SA has familiarised itself with Stats SA’s confidential treatment of respondent’s information and has given its full support by encouraging our affiliates and commercial farmers to submit their forms as fully and timeously as possible.

Agri SA wishes to thank its members for their participation to ensure a usable result that can support good decision-making. We also wish to thank Stats SA for their hard work and dedication to make the census a success.


Dr Requier Wait

Agri SA Head: Economics and Trade Centre of Excellence

[1] Questionnaires were completed for the financial year ended on any date between 1 March 2017 and 28 February 2018. The previous census was for 2007.

[2] Stats SA. (2020). Key findings: Census of Commercial Agriculture, 2017: Financial and Production Statistics. Available online: http://www.statssa.gov.za/?page_id=1856&PPN=Report-11-02-01&SCH=7902