Agriculture can save South Africa from its unemployment crisis| Landbou kan Suid Afrika uit sy werkloosheid-krisis lig
Afrikaans to follow:
Agri SA is concerned about the rising unemployment rate and wishes to remind the government that investor confidence, especially in agriculture, is imperative to get job creation on track. The increase in South Africa’s unemployment levels to a record high of 29% indicates that an organised and focused strategy applied by all South Africans is now needed. Agriculture’s employment levels have remained fairly stable compared to other sectors in that only 1 000 jobs have been lost since the first quarter.
“The figures show that agriculture could be the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel,” said Jahni de Villiers, head of policy at Agri SA’s Centre of Excellence: Labour and Development. “Policy uncertainty, like expropriation without compensation and poor economic growth, is an obstacle to real job creation in the agricultural sector.”
Agri SA is involved in various official discussion forums on labour policy, for example Nedlac and the National Minimum Wage Commission, and will continue to promote the prioritisation of sustainable job creation in agriculture. Other limitations, such as drought and farm safety, of course, also require attention to improve the current challenging business environment for farmers.
“Agriculture can be of great assistance in addressing unemployment, but farmers and agribusinesses urgently require policy certainty and support in order to do so.”
Agri SA remains committed to an agricultural sector that grows sustainably and will continue to consult via its structures at grassroots level to add further momentum to these policy deliberations.
Issued by:
Agri SA Centre of Excellence: Labour and Development
Jahni de Villiers
Agri SA Head: Labour and Development
(C) 071 603 3804
Christo van der Rheede
Agri SA: Deputy Executive Director
(C) 083 380 3492
Agri SA is bekommerd oor die stygende werkloosheidskoers en wil die regering daarop attent maak dat beleggersvertroue veral in landbou broodnodig is om werkskepping aan die gang te kry. Die styging van die Suid-Afrikaanse werkloosheidsvlakke tot ‘n rekordvlak van 29% wys dat ‘n georganiseerde en gefokusde strategie deur alle Suid-Afrikaners nou nodig is. Landbou se arbeidsvlakke het relatief stabiel teenoor ander sektore gebly deurdat net 1000 werke in die slag gebly het sedert die eerste kwartaal.
“Die syfers wys landbou kan die lig aan die einde van Suid Afrika se werkloosheid-tonnel wees,” sê Jahni de Villiers, beleidshoof van Agri SA se Arbeid en Ontwikkeling Sentrum van Uitnemendheid. “Beleidsonsekerheid, soos onteiening sonder vergoeding, en swak ekonomiese groei staan in die pad van ware werkskepping in die landbousektor.”.
Agri SA is betrokke by verskeie amptelike besprekingsfora oor arbeid-beleid, soos byvoorbeeld Nedlac en die Nasionale Minimumloon Kommissie, en sal aanhou om die prioriteit van volhoubare werkskepping in landbou te verkondig. Ander beperkings soos droogte en plaasveiligheid kort natuurlik ook aandag om die huidige uitdagende sake-omgewing vir boere te verbeter.
“Landbou kan ’n groot hou teen werkloosheid slaan, maar boere en landbou-besighede kort dringend die beleidsekerheid en ondersteuning om so te maak.”
Agri SA bly verbind tot ’n landbousektor wat volhoubaar groei en sal verder deur sy strukture op grondvlak konsulteer om groter krag tot sy beleidsamesprekings te gee.
Uitgereik deur:
Agri SA Arbeid en Ontwikkeling Sentrum van Uitnemendheid
Jahni de Villiers
Agri SA Hoof: Arbeid en Ontwikkeling
(S) 071 603 3804
Christo van der Rheede
Agri SA: Adjunk-uitvoerende Direkteur
(S) 083 380 3492