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Kwanalu Toyota SA Young Farmer 2023 | Jong Boer 2023

Kwanalu Young Farmer of the Year is now open for entries:

  • The candidate must be 40 years of age or younger on the day on which entries for the competition close (obtain closing date for 2023 from your Provincial Agricultural Union).
  • Because the farmer is judged on his/her management philosophy as well as the technical manner in which it is applied/executed, the enterprise size and compilation of the candidate are not crucial, i.e. the game/livestock farmer, grain/fruit/wine farmer or mixed farmer have the same chance of winning the competition.
  • The candidate may farm on his/her own or in partnership with others. In the latter case, the candidate must have specific allocated responsibilities and decision-making authority on which he/she will be judged.  However, in the latter case, the candidate must be involved in the application of management functions (planning, implementation and control) in all fields (production, marketing, finance & labour management), even though the candidate may only be involved in some of the farm’s enterprises.  Candidates may only enter the competition as individuals (e.g. brothers are not allowed to enter as a team, but they may enter as individuals and compete against each other for the title).
  • The candidate must have been a fully paid-up member of his/her provincial agricultural union (Agri-SA) for at least one year on the closing date for entries.
  • National winners may not enter the competition again.
  • The decision of the panel of judges is final and no reasons or comments will be given to candidates.

Toyota SA Young Farmer 2023 – Provincial entry form (word)

Toyota SA Young Farmer 2023 – Provincial entry form (pdf)

Kwanalu Jong Boer van die Jaar is nou oop vir inskrywings:

  • Die kandidaat moet 40 jaar of jonger wees op die dag waarop die inskrywings vir die kompetisie sluit (datum vir 2023 soos bepaal deur u provinsiale landbou-unie).
  • Aangesien die bestuursfilosofie van die boer en die tegniese vaardigheid waarmee dit uitgevoer word die vernaamste beoordelingskriteria is, is die kandidaat se vertakkingsamestelling en omvang (grootte) nie belangrik nie, m.a.w. ‘n vee-/wildboer, saai-/vrugte-/wingerdboer of gemengde boer staan dieselfde kans om as wenner aangewys te word.
  • Die kandidaat kan op sy/haar eie boer of in vennootskap met andere. In laasgenoemde geval moet die kandidaat egter spesifieke toegedeelde verantwoordelikhede hanteer waarop hy/sy geëvalueer kan Laasgenoemde moet egter die toepassing van die bestuursfunksies (beplanning, implementering en beheer) in al die velde (produksie, bemarking, finansiering en personeelbestuur) insluit, al sou die kandidaat slegs sekere vertakkings op die plaas behartig.  ‘n Kandidaat mag slegs as ‘n individu vir die kompetisie inskryf (bv. broers mag nie as ‘n span inskryf nie, maar kan teen mekaar meeding deur as individue deel te neem).
  • Die kandidaat moet op die sluitingsdatum vir minstens een jaar lank reeds ‘n opbetaalde lid van sy/haar provinsiale landbou-unie (Agri-SA) wees.
  • Nasionale wenners mag nie weer deelneem nie.
  • Die beslissing van die beoordelaars is finaal en geen redes/kommentaar sal aan kandidate verskaf word nie.

Toyota SA Jongboer 2023 – Provinsiale inskrywingsvorm (word)

Toyota SA Jongboer 2023 – Provinsiale inskrywingsvorm (pdf)