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Kwanalu releases farm murders and attacks 2020 report

Each year the Kwanalu Security Desk, working together with the relevant authorities, collects and collates information pertaining to all incidents, attacks and murders on farms in KZN.

The Security Desk is one of Kwanalu’s key strategic focus areas existing to enhance members’ safety and security while living in rural South Africa.

The role of the Security Desk includes, but is not exclusive to:

  • Represent Kwanalu on Provincial structures
  • Gathering of statistics and details of crimes committed
  • Submissions for proactive action and operational planning
  • Assist members with basic advice on criminal matters, procedures and steps to be taken
  • Kwanalu Safety and Security Guideline documents
  • Provide expert evidence in court

The 2020 Kwanalu Farm Attacks Analysis, which includes all commercial farming areas and

those who reside on commercial farms in KZN, was recently released with the following statistics:

  • Number of murders in 2020: 8, in 5 incidents
  • In all cases, arrests have been made, and all of the accused are currently awaiting trial.
  • Number of attacks in 2020: 29, with 24 cases opened.
  • As with murders, in most of these attacks, it has been noted that adequate security measures, where possible, were not in place, with 13 out of 24 attacks taking place during daylight hours.
  • The analysis also revealed that perpetrators targeted firearms and cash which they believe are to be found on every farm, and to be available following produce sales.

“We urge all members to constantly review their security measures with regular checks to alarms, fences, communication channels etc. It is noteworthy that many of our members have increased their security measures, an awareness that has without a doubt prevented attacks,” said Sandy.

Read the full report here.