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Kwanalu: COVID 19 update: 27/03/20

Dear Kwanalu Members

After a particularly trying few days our lobby work has resulted in a critical amendment to the regulations, see below.  Please only use the regulations as a reference during the lockdown.  There is still a great deal of own interpretation and own regulations being drawn up. An example: “registering your business/farm” this is not a requirement as per the regulations. We negotiated for self-regulation using the form as provided in the regulations, no additional stamps, signatures, registration or other is required, see below for further feedback.

We remind you; the situation we are dealing with is subject to change at any time.
We will continue to bring you developments as quickly as we are informed.

The agriculture and food supply sector remains a vital cog during this period. In terms of the Amended Regulation No. 398 of the Disaster Management Act, 2002, the sector is responsible for food security has been declared as essential. This includes the harvesting and storage of agricultural commodities. This Regulation re-emphasises that the entire food value chain, from farm-related operations, agro-processing and food manufacturing, logistics and related services, wholesale and retail services, and all support functions that ensure efficient delivery of the agro-food system have to be functional to ensure that there is access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food.  Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Ms Thoko Didiza

Member email Content:

  1. COVID-19 Amended Regulations update 26/03/20
  2. Permit 
  3. Feedback on points of concern

COVID-19 Amended Regulations update 26/03/20

Kwanalu, Agri SA, provincial unions and commodities have lobbied to address omissions and required amendments, late last night the amended regulations were released.  Refer: Government Notice no 419 of 26 March 2020 related to the regulations published by Government Notice no 318 of 18 March 2020, as amended by Government Notice no R398 of 25 March 2020.

A major amendment relates to the categories of essential services:

Regulations extract:  Services – Categories of essential services shall be confined to the following services:

Amendment inclusion:

  1. Harvesting and storage activities essential to prevent the wastage of primary agricultural goods;

For the latest Regulations click here: Amended Regulations 43168_26-3_COGTA


Please ensure that should you be performing an essential service as regulated we negotiated for self-regulation using the form as provided in the regulations, no additional stamps, signatures, registration or other is required.

For the Permit template click here: PERMIT TO PERFORM ESSENTIAL SERVICES REV2

For the Permit, read only template click here:PERMIT TO PERFORM ESSENTIAL SERVICES PDF

Feedback on points
from the meeting with Minister Thoko Didiza and Director General (DG) Mike Mlengana from DALRRD, 26 March 2020

  1. the DG confirmed that exempted essential goods and services can be transported across provincial borders.
  2. the DG confirmed that no registration of businesses is required in terms of the Regulations. This refers to the Essential Service Application Portal announced by Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr Ebrahim Patel on 25 March 2020.
  3. the DG confirmed that companies can issue permits for employees performing essential services. It must be headed by the company’s /organisation’s letterhead. The permit must contain all the information in the Regulations. It does not have to look 100% similar to the template in the Regulations, but it must contain all the information required as outlined in the Regulations.
  4. the DG stated that the Regulations are not set in stone and that they will table the issues with other Ministers and reconsider issues on a daily basis.
  5. the DG reminded everyone that the purpose of the lockdown is to limit movements in order to fight the virus – not to find loopholes.
  6. the DG confirmed that the registration of exempted business is not required in terms of the Regulations.

Thank you to all our members who have provided us with updates, questions and feedback.  Kwanalu will continue to be working and lobbying on our members behalf during the lockdown.   Whilst our physical offices may be closed at this time, we will be working remotely. Please contact us on email: info@kwanalu.co.za. whatsapp or telegram.

A reminder that all communication from Kwanalu is being communicated via the following channels:

  1. Kwanalu website: https://www.kwanalu.co.za/
  2. Email: info@kwanalu.co.za
  3. Telegram: http://bit.ly/2NDbedx

We encourage all members to make use of these communication channels in order to stay fully informed.