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This post is for the use of Kwanalu Members only.


A COVID-19 Farm risk assessment template (excel) has been developed to provide you with a tool that can be used to assess the risk that your various farm operations may pose in the transmission of COVID-19. It is a requirement by the Department of Labour and Employment in the management of this disaster. The document has been developed so that you can use it as a living document and customise for your farm use. The document identifies various farm operations, the risk associated with these operations, the level of the risk (red being the highest level) and the control measures that should be in place on the farm to mitigate the risks. It also has a couple of useful tabs at the bottom of the document that can be used to prove compliance. Registers that could be used to demonstrate your commitment to minimising the spread of COVID-19 and protecting your staff.

In the current environment, we need to continue to base our management decisions on meeting objectives and legislative requirements, whilst also minimizing the risk of COVID-19 exposure to all on farm, and off farm essential service personnel in terms of day to day operations, as well as the impacts of our decisions on the general public at large, all in terms of our operations and need to have personnel undertaking the work.

The overarching objective in terms of all farm operational activities is to undertake such as efficiently as possible, with the fewest number of personnel possible, whilst maintaining a high probability of success in addressing the risk of transmission and protecting properties, personnel, and resources.

This risk assessment will enable you the farm / property owner, as well as, your surrounding  / neighbouring farm / property owners to continue with the critical mission of trying to protect all personnel and the broader public from the threat of COVID-19, to the best of one’s ability, whilst undertaking normal farming & logistic operations within the confines of the COVID-19 regulations.  Ongoing review of your on-farm assessments will be required and should always  be aligned to the Risk Adjustment System, as provided by the National Command Council / Government.

Click below for the COVID-19 – FARM RISK ASSESSMENT template – note this is an excel spreadsheet

COVID-19 Farm Risk Assessment Template (30-04-20)


  1. The farm assessment alone is not enough to prove that the control measures to manage risk of Covid-19 will be implemented, therefore, we recommend you keep the registers; eg. labour / farm worker daily temperatures, visitors & labour / farm worker induction of the protocols and procedures of the company to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and the record of cleaning of the farm structural environment and all farm operational vehicles & equipment.
  2. Labour / Farm workers must sign an acknowledgement form that they understand the adopted protocols on Covid-19 and the consequences of not following the rules as instituted by the farm owner, on safety measures – disciplinary action can be instituted in line with the regulations for non-compliance.
  3. If you suspect a case of Covid-19 in your workplace – follow the guideline attached issued
  4. Acknowledgements for the template: SA Cane Growers Association, Kwanalu & Lions River Fire Protection Association – collectively referred to as the Entities


Information contained in this Report (including any attachments and enclosures or documents referred to therein) has been prepared by the Entities, in good faith, solely for the exclusive use and benefit of its members, and solely for the purpose for which it is provided.  Whilst the Entities have taken all reasonable steps to ensure the quality and accuracy of the contents of this Report, it does not make any warranties or representation that the information is, in all cases, true, correct and free from any errors. The information contained in this Report may not be comprehensive or complete and may not be up to date or current. The Report may not contain information covering particular subjects or issues relevant to a particular addressee’s needs or requirements.  The information is not intended to be professional advice, but only general information and guidance on possible COVID-19 mitigation on farm.                                                        

The Entities do not accept or assume any liability for economic loss or otherwise that may arise from an addressee acting on or using the information and contents as set out in this Report.
The information contained in this Report should not be used as a substitute for professional advice and assistance.  Addressees are encouraged to consult professional advice before taking any course of action related to the information, ideas or opinions expressed in this Report.