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Kwanalu condemns in the strongest terms the triple murder which took place in Bishopstowe on 14 December 2020.

The cowardly and callous excuse of a bonus dispute is no reason to take the lives of three innocent people. The alleged murderers have not only destroyed their victims’ futures but they have also stolen the livelihoods and future of employees and their families. The victims have left a farming business, family and friends behind who will forever remember this horrendous and cowardly murder.

Kwanalu calls on SAPS to ensure that the perpetrators face the full might of the law.

Kwanalu further calls on relevant government departments to ensure that labour laws and education thereof is unbiased and correctly disseminated to ensure that false expectations are not raised and that a sound understanding of the laws and rights of employers are understood.

Kwanalu appeals to members to ensure all employees are vetted, this includes traceable references, current contact details, copies of IDs and as much relevant information as possible is kept on record.

Kwanalu also reminds members to ensure that the highest safety and security measures possible are in place, particularly during the festive season, and to remain vigilant at all times.

Kwanalu extends its deepest condolences to the family and farming community of Bishopstowe.