Kwanalu Advisory Council meets for first meeting of 2019
Kwanalu’s Advisory Council, consisting of members from each District, commodity and agri-business affiliates of Kwanalu, sat for a first sitting of 2019 on 28 February in Pietermaritzburg.
As part of Kwanalu’s mandate to foster transformation and unity in agriculture in the province, a strategic session consisting of presentations, by commodity and agri-business leaders, was the focus of the meeting.
The Advisory Council heard presentations from each commodity and agri-business on their aims, objectives, future plans and interventions undertaken to foster transformation and rural development in KZN in their sector.
An incredibly positive and united spirit was displayed throughout the meeting where key cross-cutting issues and potential opportunities were identified. Kwanalu will be taking the outcomes forward and will pursue a sound collective approach which brings value to the sector.
We will be featuring transformation initiatives from each commodity and other affiliates in upcoming newsletters.
Back row L-R:Rob Strachan (KZN MPO), Gwen Watson (Women’s Institute), Lisa Roberts (UCL), Tersius Schoeman (Cotton SA), Craig Breetzke (SA Cane Growers), PJ Hassard. Front row L-R: Helmut Bruss (KZN Wildlife SA), Norman Dlamini (Forestry), Ralf Küsel (Grain SA) and Janet Lee (KZN Poultry Institute)