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Expected announcement of the Constitutional Review Committee (CRC)

Expected announcement of the Constitutional Review Committee (CRC)

We expect the CRC to finalise a report on Thursday and that the ANC, EFF and UDM will use their majority to vote in the report. The recommendation is expected to be that section 25 of the Constitution should be amended. Agri SA will be issuing a media statement today and will also react to the recommendation after the release of the report on Thursday. In addition, we and Agri SA will continue to pursue our strategy, Agri SA has also instructed its legal team to provide us with a legal opinion on the flawed consultation process.

It is important to note that there is still a lengthy process ahead before any constitutional amendment can be finalised or implemented. Parliament must debate the CRC report. Following that a draft Bill will now have to be drawn up and public consultation will follow once again. The Bill will go through the full parliamentary process.  Court challenges are likely and may delay the implementation of any such Bill.  It should also be noted that Parliament will break for recess soon and that there will only be a short parliamentary session before the elections. The Expropriation Bill is also being redrafted and will have to once again be published for public comment, and find its way through NEDLAC and Parliament.

Kwanalu and Agri SA will activate the next phase of its strategy should the expected recommendation for a constitutional amendment be made.

Verwagte aankondiging van die Grondwetlike Hersienings komitee (GHK)

Ons verwag dat die GHK Donderdag ‘n verslag sal finaliseer en dat die ANC, EFF en UDM hul meerderheid sal gebruik om die aanvaarding van die verslag te verseker.  Die aanbeveling sal na verwagting wees dat artikel 25 van die Grondwet wel gewysig moet word.  Agri SA reik vandag ‘n media verklaring uit en sal ook Donderdag reageer op die aankondiging. Kwanalu en Agri SA sal met ons plan voortgaan,  Agri SA het ook reeds ‘n regsmening aangevra oor die moontlike remedies gebaseer op foute wat in die konsultasie proses gemaak is.

Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat daar nog ‘n lang proses voorlê voordat enige grondwetwysiging aanvaar en geïmplimenteer kan word. Die Parlement sal die GHK verslag moet debatteer.  Daarna moet ‘n wetsontwerp opgestel word en vir openbare kommentaar gepubliseer word.  Die wetsontwerp moet dan deur die volle parlementêre proses gaan. Hofaksie is ‘n sterk moontlikheid en kan die implementering van sodanige wetsontwerp vertraag. Dit is ook belangrik om daarop te let dat die Parlement binnekort in reses gaan en dat daar volgende jaar slegs ‘n kort sitting sal wees voor die verkiesing.  Die Onteieningswetsontwerp word ook weer herskryf en sal weer gepubliseer moet word vir openbare kommentaar en sy weg moet vind deur NEDLAC en die Parlement.

Kwanalu en Agri SA sal die volgende fase van ons strategie in werking stel indien die aanbeveling soos verwag ten gunste van ‘n grondwetwysiging is.