Ekonomiese debat word verwelkom, maar implementering bly die Achilleshiel | Economic debate welcomed but implementation remains the Achilles heel
29 Augustus 2019
English to follow:
Agri SA verwelkom die jongste Nasionale Tesourie-dokument[1] in beginsel aangesien dit verskeie beleidsuitdagings en strukturele kwessies aanspreek, met spesifieke oplossings wat andersins afwesig is in talle van die beleidsvoorstelle. Landbou is goed geposisioneer om uitvoering te gee aan die voorstel dat die sektor werkskepping moet dryf.
Die omvang en vlak van detail is bemoedigend, asook die eerlike blik op die huidige tekortkominge in die ekonomiese beleidsraamwerk. Ons wens die Minister van Finansies, Tito Mboweni, geluk met hierdie inisiatief maar die sukses daarvan sal afhang van die mate waartoe dit geïmplementeer word.
“Ons besef almal dat eerlike evaluering en praktiese implementering kritiese faktore vir vooruitgang is,” sê Omri van Zyl, Agri SA se Uitvoerende Direkteur. “Nadat die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan reeds byna ‘n dekade in plek is, het ons nog steeds geen werklike resultate daarvan gesien nie. Hopelik kan hierdie dokument die proses laat herleef.”
Agri SA verwelkom die fokus op landbou as ‘n sektor om ekonomiese groei, transformasie en werkskepping te dryf.
Die ontsluiting van belegging in landbou vereis verskeie tasbare resultate van beleid. Hierdie sluit in innoverende finansiële oplossings, bekostigbare landbouversekering, verbeterde voorligtingsdienste, sterker handelsbevordering, marktoegang, toegang tot water vir besproeiingsboere en belegging om innoverende markskakeling met kleinskaalse boere te bewerkstellig.
“Die temas wat geïdentifiseer is vir voorstelle om ekonomiese groei aan te moedig, spreek kern strukturele kwessies aan,” sê Dr Requier Wait, Agri SA Beleidshoof: Ekonomie en Handel. “Die implementering van die voorstelle kan help om die afwaartse tendens in Suid-Afrika se groeipotensiaal en mededingendheid om te keer.”
Die landbousektor het homself as ‘n potensiële spilpunt, met ons positiewe bydrae tot BBP-groei en werkskepping, bewys.
Agri SA sal ‘n gedetailleerde kommentaar aan Minister Mboweni stuur.
[1] Economic transformation, inclusive growth, and competitiveness: Towards an Economic Strategy for South Africa
Omri van Zyl
Agri SA Uitvoerende Direkteur
(S) 082 417 5724
Dr Requier Wait
Agri SA Beleidshoof: Ekonomie en Handel
(S) 073 304 0932
Agri SA welcomes the latest National Treasury document[2] in principle as it addresses several policy challenges and structural issues, giving specific solutions that are otherwise absent in many policy proposals. Agriculture is well-positioned to give effect to the proposal of making the agriculture sector the driving force of job creation.
The scope and the level of detail is refreshing, as well as the honest reflection on the current flaws in the economic policy framework. We congratulate the Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni on this initiative, but of course the success ultimately depends on the degree of implementation.
“We all know honest evaluation and practical implementation are critical factors for progress,” says Omri van Zyl, Agri SA Executive Director. “After almost a decade of the National Development Plan we still have to see actual implementation. Hopefully, this document can resuscitate the process.”
Agri SA welcomes the singling out of agriculture as a sector to focus on for economic growth, transformation and job creation.
To create an enabling environment for investment for agriculture, we need several policy outcomes. These include innovative financing solutions, affordable agriculture insurance, improved extension services, enhanced trade promotion, market access, access to water for irrigated agriculture and investment to establish innovative market linkages for smallholders.
“The themes identified for growth reforms speak to key structural issues,” says Dr Requier Wait, Agri SA Policy Head: Economics and Trade. “The implementation of these reforms can help to reverse the downward trend in South Africa’s growth potential and competitiveness”
The agriculture sector has proved itself as a potential economic game-changer with our positive contribution to GDP growth and job creation.
Agri SA will submit a detailed commentary to Minister Mboweni.
2 Economic transformation, inclusive growth, and competitiveness: Towards an Economic Strategy for South Africa
Omri van Zyl
Agri SA Executive Director
(C) 082 417 5724
Dr Requier Wait
Agri SA Policy Head: Economics and Trade
(C) 073 304 0932