COVID-19 – Workplace readiness
COVID-19 – Critical information regarding requirements in the workplace
a) The OHS directive as issued by the Department of Employment and Labour. This is not the signed copy, as we are still awaiting that, but this is the final copy.
b) The COVID-19 Employer risk assessment as sent to us by the Department of Health. Please note that the relevant part of this document is the very last page, which contains a risk assessment template that is to be used.
c) The COVID-19 Worker risk assessment is a handy tool to keep a record of the practical steps followed by employees regarding COVID-19.
d) A practice note on workplace readiness that was drafted by Jahni from Agri SA and a team from BUSA and PPGI. This guide is extremely comprehensive and contains extra information for employers, with inputs made by some of the top occupational health practitioners and occupational health hygienists in the country. Members can refer to the website for more information. A copy of the practice note will be available on that website too.
The most important step for employers is to ensure that the risk assessment is completed and kept on file.
Employers with more than 500 employees will need to submit their risk assessments to the Department of Employment and Labour. The exact address that these will need to be sent to, has not been shared yet. Please be ready to submit those risk assessments as soon as the email address becomes available.
List of documents:
Newsflash_safe return 280420 – newsflash_safe return_280420
a. Final Directive on Health and Safety in the workplace – 200427 Final Direction on Health and Safety in the workplace
b. Employer Risk Assessment – COVID-19 Employer Risk Assessment FINALv2 (002)
c. Worker Risk Assessment – COVID-19 Worker risk assessment FINALv2
d. Practice note – Workplace Readiness – Practice Note – Workplace readiness