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Correction of Government Gazette 43959: Regulations on the New Assessment Tariffs in terms of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act.

The Department of Employment and Labour gazetted the new assessment tariffs in terms of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act in 2020.  The new assessment tariffs introduced a new assessment structure with only 13 classes and advised on the new rate being phased in over 5 years(from 2021 to 2025).  Click here to read more.

However, On 1 April 2021, the Minister published corrections to Government Gazette 43959.
Please see the amendment:
Click here for the COIDA regulations on Compensation funds tariffs of assessment:

Compensation for Occupational injuries and diseases act (COIDA (WCA))

All companies including farmers who employ one or more employees including seasonal workers must register with the Compensation Fund within 7 days after employing its first employee in terms of COIDA. Late last year the Minister of Employment and Labour signed into effect new regulations changing the current tariffs which will be phased in over a 5 year period.