Consider impact of unwanted mining on food security, asks AgriSA | Oorweeg uitwerking van ongewenste mynbou op voedselsekerheid, vra AgriSA
5 February 2025
Farmers are extremely concerned about the effects of proliferation of unwanted mining and gas exploration on or in the vicinity of productive farming land, particularly with respect to the natural resources the sector is reliant on. AgriSA is carefully following discussions at the annual Mining Indaba in Cape Town.
While the importance of mining to the South African economy is acknowledged, the competition for natural resources between agriculture and mining is self-evident. The organisastion, emphasises that food security and the preservation of agricultural land, particularly high-value agricultural land, needs to be prioritised.
AgriSA was heartened by President Cyril Ramaphosa’s signing of the Preservation and Development of Agricultural Land Act on 27 January 2025, the aim of which is to conserve and manage agricultural ecosystems and viable agricultural land units through regulations and the development of norms and standards. Work in this regard now needs to begin in earnest.
Johann Kotzé, AgriSA CEO
Janse Rabie, AgriSA Natural resources
5 Februarie 2025
Boere is uiters bekommerd oor die uitwerking van die verspreiding van ongewenste mynbou en gaseksplorasie op of in die omgewing van produktiewe landbougrond, veral met betrekking tot die natuurlike hulpbronne waarvan die sektor afhanklik is. Daarom volg AgriSA die besprekings van die jaarlikse Mynbou-indaba wat tans in Kaapstad plaasvind, noukeurig.
Hoewel die belangrikheid van mynbou vir die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie erken word, is die mededinging om natuurlike hulpbronne tussen landbou en mynbou vanselfsprekend. AgriSA beklemtoon dus dat voedselsekerheid en die bewaring van landbougrond, veral hoëwaarde-landbougrond, geprioritiseer moet word.
Die organisasie is bemoedig deur president Cyril Ramaphosa se ondertekening van die Wet op die Bewaring en Ontwikkeling van Landbougrond op 27 Januarie 2025, met die doel om landbou-ekostelsels en lewensvatbare landbougrond-eenhede te bewaar en te bestuur deur regulasies en die ontwikkeling van norme en standaarde. Werk in dié verband moet nou in alle erns begin.
Johann Kotzé, AgriSA HUB
Janse Rabie, AgriSA Natuurlike hulpbronne