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Code of Practice on Managing COVID-19 exposure at the Workplace

As the National State of Disaster is lifted, employers are reminded that going forward, the management of Covid-19 in the workplace will be regulated through the Code of Practice on Managing COVID-19 at the Workplace (“the C19 Code”) and the updated Hazardous Biological Agents Regulations (“HBA”).

The Code is aligned with the procedural and substantive obligations placed on employers to adopt various OHS measures.  Therefore, failure to do so could result in fines or imprisonment.

The C19 Code requires ALL employers to:

  • Conduct a risk assessment.
  • Develop, implement and monitor the plan.
  • Decide on vaccination and other protective measures.
  • Consult with representative unions/OHS committees.
  • Make the plan available for inspection.

Please find link to a high-level summary of the key themes of The Code.

Info Code of Practice – English


Die Nasionale Ramptoestand is opgehef, en werkgewers  word herinner dat die bestuur van Covid-19 in die werkplek vorentoe gereguleer sal word deur die Praktykkode vir die Bestuur van COVID-19 by die Werkplek (“die C19) Kode”) en die bygewerkte regulasies vir gevaarlike biologiese middels (“HBA”).

Die Kode is belyn met die prosedurele en substantiewe verpligtinge wat op werkgewers geplaas word om verskeie BGV-maatreëls te aanvaar. Versuim om dit te doen kan boetes of tronkstraf tot gevolg hê.

Die C19-kode vereis dat ALLE werkgewers:

  • ‘n Risiko-evaluering doen.
  • Ontwikkel, implementeer en monitor die plan.
  • Besluit op inenting en ander beskermende maatreëls.
  • Raadpleeg verteenwoordigende vakbonde/BGV-komitees.
  • Stel die plan vir inspeksie beskikbaar.

Ingesluit is ʼn  hoëvlak opsomming oor die sleutel temas van die Die Kode.

Info Kode vir goeie Praktyk – Afrikaans