

Assistance with conducting research on antibiotic use, antibiotic resistance and antibiotic stewardship

Please find attached an explanatory letter from Mr Mokhutsoane who is the Masters student working on this project together with the project overview which contains a summary of the study, participant information, participant consent as well as the questionnaire.

Project Overview – L Mokhutsoane

Mokhutsoane LT Mr 214535491 HSSREC 00000998 2020 Provisional approval

Approval to conduct the study has been granted by Ms Sandy La Marque.

The links to information on the study, voluntary informed consent to participate and questionnaire are https://surveys.ukzn.ac.za/index.php?r=survey/index&sid=178787&lang=en. (English version) and https://surveys.ukzn.ac.za/index.php?r=survey/index&sid=797666&lang=en. (Zulu version)

The questionnaire can be answered in English or isiZulu and participants and kindly requested that your members respond within 4 weeks.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me on 072 089 0897, lefamokhutsoane@gmail.com.