Agri SA Uitvoerende Direkteur aan die hoof van WFO werkgroep | Agri SA Executive Director to head up WFO working group
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23 Mei 2019
Agri SA Uitvoerende Direkteur aan die hoof van WFO werkgroep
Agri SA wil graag vir Omri van Zyl, uitvoerende direkteur van Agri SA, gelukwens met sy verkiesing Dinsdag tot Fasiliteerder vir die Globale Koöperasies Werkgroep van die Wêreld-landbou-organisasie (WFO). Die WFO bring nasionale boereorganisasies en landboukoöperasies van regoor die wêreld saam en vergader tans in Luxemburg.
“Die werkgroep is ’n geleentheid vir Agri SA om met internasionale spelers te skakel terwyl ’n vertoonvenster vir Suid-Afrika se eie wêreldklas agri-besighede verder uitgebou kan word,” sê Omri van Zyl. “Die Agri SA Korporatiewe Kamer het binne ’n kort tyd die ideale forum geword vir maatskappye in die Suid-Afrikaanse landbou-waardeketting om op strategiese vlak deel te neem en netwerke te vorm. As fasiliteerder van die Werkgroep sal ons verdere waarde tot ons besprekings kan byvoeg.”
Agri SA hou die Suid-Afrikaanse setel by die WFO en was ‘n stigterslid van die organisasie in 2011. Die WFO bestaan uit organisasies van beide ontwikkelde en ontwikkelende ekonomieë. Die doelwit is om die omgewing te skep wat voordelig is vir die aanneming van beleid en programme wat die ekonomiese omgewing en bestaan van boere en landelike gemeenskappe kan verbeter.
“Die verskil tussen die ontwikkelde lande en die ontwikkelende lande is verbysterend, en die opdrag was om te sien hoe ons ‘n brug tussen die twee wêrelde kan bou. Vanuit ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse perspektief is ons so te sê in die ontwikkelde wêreld se kategorie met ons eie 20 koöperasies, wat dieselfde internasionale tendense as sommige van die ander ontwikkelde lande volg. Ons is ook van plan om sommige van die ander ontwikkelende beste praktyke te verstaan om sommige van ons ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite dienooreenkomstig aan te pas. “
Die werkgroep sal onder andere die VSA, Noorweë, Suid-Korea en Nederland insluit. Die 2020-sessie sal in die VSA gehou word waar ‘n beleidsdokument wat die WFO-beleid oor koöperasies bevat, van stapel gestuur sal word.
Pietman Roos
Agri SA Hoof: Kommunikasie en Korporatiewe Sake
(S) 066 201 8326
Thea Liebenberg
Media Skakelbeampte
(T) 012 643 3400
23 May 2019
Agri SA Executive Director to head up WFO working group
Agri SA would like to congratulate Omri van Zyl, Agri SA’s Executive Director, for his election on Tuesday as Facilitator for the Global Cooperatives Working Group for the World Farmers Organisation (WFO). The WFO brings together national farmers’ organisations and agricultural cooperatives from all over the world and is meeting in Luxemburg this year.
“The Working Group is an opportunity for Agri SA to link with global players while showcasing South Africa’s own world class agribusinesses,” said Omri van Zyl. “The Agri SA Corporate Chamber have in a short time become the ideal forum for companies in the South African agricultural value chain to participate and network on a strategic level. As Facilitator of the Global Cooperatives Working Group, we will be able to add further value to our discussions.”
Agri SA holds the South African seat at the WFO and was a founding member of the organisation in 2011. The WFO is made up of organisations from both developed and developing economies. The mission is to create the conditions for the adoption of policies and programs that can improve the economic environment and livelihood of farmers and rural communities.
“The difference between the developed countries and the developing countries is staggering, and the brief was to see how we can build a bridge between the two worlds. From a South African perspective, we are pretty much in the developed world space with our own 20 cooperatives, following the same international trends as some of the other developed countries. We also intend to understand some of the other developmental best practices to gear some of our developmental activities accordingly.”
The Working Group will include the USA, Norway, Korea and Netherlands among others. The 2020 session will be in the USA where a policy paper encapsulating the WFO policy on Cooperatives will be launched.
Pietman Roos
Agri SA Head: Communication and Corporate Affairs
(C) 066 201 8326
Thea Liebenberg
Media Liaison Officer
(T) 012 643 3400