

Agri SA doen ‘n beroep op landbousektor om ag te slaan op COVID-19 voorsorgmaatreëls | Agri SA calls on agricultural sector to adhere to COVID-19 precautionary measures

English to follow:

16 Maart 2020

Agri SA verwelkom President Cyril Ramaphosa se aankondiging om die COVID-19-uitbreking as ‘n nasionale ramp te verklaar. Hierdie pandemie het nie net ‘n impak op die dag-tot-dag werksaamhede van alle sektore nie, maar dit hou ook ‘n ernstige gesondheidsgevaar vir alle Suid-Afrikaners in.

NEDLAC (Die Nasionale Ekonomiese, Ontwikkelings- en Arbeidsraad) is tans besig om ‘n meer omvattende reaksie saam te stel op die COVID-19 rampverklaring. Die onderskeie ministeriële departemente sal vandag vergader om ‘n gebeurlikheidsplan te ontwikkel om die impak van hierdie ramp se impak te mitigeer. Agri SA sal deurlopend oor hierdie proses kommunikeer asook watter planne die regering in plek gaan stel om die COVID-19 uitbreking effektief te bestuur.

Agri SA doen ‘n beroep op die landbousektor om gehoor te gee aan die regering se voorsorgmaatreëls om die verspreiding van COVID-19 te bekamp. Die COVID-19 pandemie is nie net ‘n epidemiologiese probleem nie, maar ‘n globale gesondheidsprobleem en kan slegs aangepak word deur middel van ‘n geïntegreerde en globale benadering.

Kom ons werk saam om enige optrede wat tot die verdere verspreiding van die virus kan lei, stop te sit. Dit kan moontlik gemaak word deur Agri SA se riglyne tesame met dié van die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie in hierdie verband te volg om ‘n gesonde en veilige werksomgewing vir almal te skep en te handhaaf:



Christo van der Rheede

Agri SA Adjunk-Uitvoerende Direkteur

Jahni de Villiers

Agri SA Sentrum van Uitnemendheid Hoof: Arbeid en Ontwikkeling


16 March 2020

Agri SA welcomes the announcement by President Cyril Ramaphosa to declare the COVID-19 outbreak as a national state of disaster. This pandemic not only impacts on the day to day business of all sectors, but it poses a serious health hazard to all South Africans.

There is currently a process underway at NEDLAC (National Economic Development and Labour Council) to establish a more comprehensive response regarding the COVID-19 disaster declaration. The various ministerial departments will meet today to develop a contingency plan to mitigate the impact of this disaster. Agri SA will communicate continuously on this process and how government aims to effectively deal with this outbreak.

Agri SA calls on the agricultural sector to adhere to the precautionary measures as announced by the government to curb the spread of COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic is not just an epidemiological problem, but a global health problem.

It can only be tackled through an integrated and global approach. Let us work together to prevent any action that may lead to the spread of the virus. The following guidelines were developed by Agri SA in corporation with guidelines published by the World Health Organisation to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for all:



Christo van der Rheede

Agri SA Deputy Executive Director

Jahni de Villiers

Policy head of Agri SA’s Centre of Excellence: Labour and Development