Agri SA demands immediate retraction of Northern Cape “expropriation list” | Agri SA eis ’n onmiddellike herroeping van die Noord-Kaapse “onteieningslys”
15 March 2019
Agri SA demands an immediate retraction of the ANC Northern Cape expropriation list. Agri SA will act in defence of its members in the Northern Cape, as we have done in the Melmoth case in Kwa-Zulu Natal. President Cyril Ramaphosa and top officials of the ANC have given repeated assurances that productive farms will not be targeted for expropriation without compensation (EWC). Agri SA has made it clear that it opposes any amendment of section 25 of the Constitution.
“We condemn the actions by the ANC in the Northern Cape in the strongest terms, and we will deal with it with the utmost sense of seriousness,” said Omri van Zyl, Executive Director of Agri SA. “We anticipated irresponsible statements leading up to the elections, but this amounts to cheap political point scoring.”
Agri SA will engage the diplomatic community on the ANC’s turnaround on the stated position of not targeting productive agricultural land. Today Agri SA will brief the Trump Administration by engaging the Deputy Secretary of State of the United States, John J. Sullivan on EWC and the Northern Cape list.
“Agri SA engages with government, the ANC, and all other organisations with the understanding that we all respect due process and the rule of law,” says Dan Kriek, Agri SA President. “We regard the latest statement by the Northern Cape ANC as being in breach of these principles. We have appealed to the national leadership of the ANC to intervene. We will not hesitate to litigate in order to protect private property rights, which we regard as absolutely critical for economic growth that we sorely need as a country.”
Agri SA hopes the ANC in the Northern Cape will come to their senses and comply with the demand. If not, Agri SA will take the legal route.
Agri SA eis ’n onmiddellike herroeping van die Noord-Kaapse “onteieningslys”
Agri SA eis ’n onmiddellike herroeping van die ANC Noord-Kaap se onteieningslys. Agri SA sal sy lede in die Noord-Kaap verdedig, nes ons in die Melmoth-saak in Kwa-Zulu Natal gedoen het. President Cyril Ramaphosa en top amptenare van die ANC het by herhaling die versekering gegee dat produktiewe plase nie vir onteiening sonder vergoeding (OSV) geteiken sal word nie. Agri SA het dit duidelik gestel dat dit enige wysiging van artikel 25 van die Grondwet teenstaan.
“Ons veroordeel die optrede deur die ANC in die Noord-Kaap ten sterkste en sal die saak met erns hanteer,” sê Omri van Zyl, Agri SA Uitvoerende Direkteur. “Ons verwag onverantwoordelike stellings in die aanloop tot die verkiesing, maar dié stellings het slegs ten doel om goedkoop politieke punte in te palm.”
Agri SA sal die diplomatieke gemeenskap betrek oor die ANC se ommekeer oor hul verklaarde posisie dat hulle nie produktiewe landbougrond sal teiken nie. Agri SA vergader vandag met die Trump-regering se Adjunk-minister van Buitelandse Sake van die V.S.A., John J. Sullivan en sal OSV en die Noord-Kaapse lys bespreek.
“Agri SA vergader met die regering, die ANC en alle ander organisasies met die verstandhouding dat elkeen die regsprosesse en die oppergesag van die reg sal respekteer,” sê Dan Kriek, Agri SA President. “Ons beskou die jongste uitspraak van die Noord-Kaapse ANC in stryd met hierdie beginsels. Ons het ‘n beroep op die nasionale leierskap van die ANC gedoen om in te gryp. Ons sal nie huiwer om te litigeer ten einde private eiendomsregte te beskerm nie, wat ons as absoluut krities beskou om broodnodige ekonomiese groei in Suid-Afrika te verseker.”
Agri SA hoop die ANC in die Noord-Kaap sal tot hul sinne kom en aan die eis wat ons gestel het voldoen. Indien nie, sal Agri SA die regsroete neem.